Cryptocurrency (nonce dollars)

True! Welcome to the crypto :wenger2:

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Shall I just Chuck Ā£100 at both and see what happens? I mean long term Iā€™m
Not gonna lose money am I, just might not be the same Return youā€™ve seenā€¦

Theyā€™re both trending upwards fast at moment but thereā€™s a little dip after every big jump, so might wait for that dip?

The only annoying thing with all of this is wishing you pumped Ā£1k+ into stuff isnā€™t it

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If you have 500 available you are willing to risk to lose (got to have this disclaimer), I think a solid bet is 250 on Chainlink and 250 on another coin of your liking. Let it sit for a few weeks or months and be surprised. Very likely you will go home with more in the pocket than you put in.

On the short term, say it dips to 25 donā€™t panic, just wait, this bull run is not over and LINK, I have 95% conviction in that it will go to 60-100usd easy over the next few weeks, 2 months.

p.s. you can put a 100, but you wonā€™t feel it as much I think - say it does a 3x, 300 is good, but 750 is better :wink:


Does LInk seem the more solid bet than polkadot? Cos I might just say fuck it and whack 750 in there?

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750 I meant, if you put in 250 and it does 3x you have 750 which you will feel more of a win than 100 in and 300 earnt.

Both are great in my opinion. Chainlink is currently the number 1 DeFi project. Polkadot is everything Ethereum wants to be and is highly respected by everyone. So, in my opinion both are good choices.

If you go with 500 input, you could do 50/50 on both coins.

Polkadot (DOT): Platform | Polkadot
Chainlink (LINK):

LINK for instance has been adopted by T-Mobile and is in talks with Nasdaqā€¦

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Thanks I owe you one.

Meant to be showering for work and here I am buying nonce dollars.

Do you have a referral ID for binance, for your sake, is there any point?

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No worries mate. I will be happy if it works out well.

You can use this link: to sign up. I will get a small referral bonus, but it is not necessary. If you want to register normally, that is totally fine.

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Iā€™ll do it later man gotta leave, but it says I have a deposit limit of Ā£210 even if I provide verification is that correct, any way to increase that? (You answer quicker than a google/website search :joy:)

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This I donā€™t knowā€¦ I signed up years ago, canā€™t remember it ever limited me to such a small amount :smiley:

All good - if you need any help with anything related to this let me know!

Iā€™ve spent 2.2k on ethereum gas. Damnnnn

i should;ve bought chainlink last night itā€™s gone up 5$ since then :joy:

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You snooze you lose mate :wink:

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Usually trading fees are 0.1%, so 5% seems exorbitant? Not sure whyā€¦ maybe a deposit fee? Itā€™s been a long time ago for me

But, check Kraken for sure before you deposit on Binance and go with the best deal

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We broke the ascending triangle and are staying above it, which means 50k BTC is imminent. I put a long position yesterday morning for 10x and I am now 48% profit. Will let it ride till it hits 51K.


maybe creditcard fee?

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Can you talk me through this, how itā€™s done and what it means etc, if you have time
Please? I know you mentioned it earlier but yeah

Being long means you expect the asset to rise. Usually being long/short refers to futures trading and options contracts but in crypto it typically means you are margin trading (trading with leverage).

First of all you pick the pair you want to trade so in this case it is the USD/BTC market.

Second you need money in your margin account. Binance is probably the best place to set up an account and start margin trading, i personally like FTX better but its preference.

So say you have 1000k. You can use this 1000k as collateral and borrow money against it. So in forevers case of 10X he has borrowed 9k including his 1k he already has so now he has 10k to trade with. (FYI you pay daily interest on the amount you have borrowed, as youā€™d expect any time you borrow money)

You then buy bitcoin on the exchange using the 10k you now have. If you sell after the price of bitcoin doubles the value of your holdings has gone from 10k to 20k. 9k of this you owe back to the lender however the remaining 11k is now all yours. So in this case youā€™ve turned the 1k you started with into 11k making 10k profit.

The flip side is if the price drops a certain amount in order to ensure the lender gets his money back the exchange with automatically liquidate your position. This means once the price hits a certain threshold the bitcoin you own will automatically be sold on the market and used to repay the lender, which will include the 1k you put up as collateral. So with 10x leverage a 10% price drop in your asset will mean you lose your whole 1k you started with.

You get around this by either adding more money to your margin account so your asset to liability ratio rises above 1, or manage your risk by placing stop limits. A stop limit you can place at any price point and just means you will sell your position if the price point gets hit. So you can sell at -2%. Then if the price plunges straight down you will sell before you hit a liquidation price.

In practise instead of making one trade at 10x looking for a perfect entry I scale into a trade, 25% of a position for example then if price confirms you can move your stops up and add more to the position risk free. This way your managing your risk better instead of trying to anticipate the exact bottom and giving your self ammo to buy if the price does dip and your are still bullish.


Bitcoin just went to 49926 on Bybit. So so close to 50k boyzzz

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Made a 50% ROI longing BTC from 48800 to the new ATH 51k where I sold.

51K will be new resistance level of BTC according to the Fibonacci level


52800 now on bybit futures exchange new ATH