
Honestly I’ve found the whole lockdown thing as an anti social person a bit laughable tbh

I miss the gym and swimming a bit but other than that it could be lockdown forever and I wouldn’t care less.

Try doing some prison time in solitary confinement. That’s mental torture. Spending some time by yourself with interesting hobbies to get into should be inspiring really.


Liberation :joy::joy:

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I think its been a traumatic year for nearly everyone, and it manifests itself in different ways. I think one of those ways is in people expressing consternation at the sights of so many people packed closely together with no masks, no distancing, no measures at all after a year of basically having to do that and more. I can only speak from my own perspective, which is that of someone with a vulnerable partner who has in effect spent most of the last year shielding - but when I see those videos and photos part of my immediate reaction is to feel stressed out and a tiny bit worried, because to an extent we’ve been conditioned to think that way over the past year, particularly those of us with a greater reason to be worried and a greater need to be careful. This feeling will pass, as I’m desperately keen to be able to get out and about again, but it’ll take a bit of getting used to for me first.

I suspect its the same for many, many other people, and that this is partly what’s inspiring some of the negative replies under these videos and photos. I don’t think its simply people revelling in being miserable cunts trying to ruin the first chance in ages for people to get together and have a good time. I mean, for some it’ll be that, cos there are genuinely mean-spirited people who get their kicks complaining and ruining other people’s fun. But for many, I think there’s a bit more behind it. The past year has fucked my head up and changed my whole way of thinking about social interaction, I know it’ll take me a bit of adjusting to get back to thinking normally.

Which is why I’m just staying quiet in that regard. WhatsApp groups were flooded by photos of mates in the pub yesterday, and I generally just avoided commenting at all. I don’t want to be a miserable twat and bring others down, but I also can’t get out there and revel like many other people can, so I’m not going to join in celebrating a freedom I’m not yet partaking in. I hate to say it, but part of me isn’t happy for other people, I’m still pissed for myself.

Deep down I am definitely glad others are getting out and about and that we are heading in that direction, of course. I could just do without seeing everyone else enjoying stuff I’ve not been able to for ages, as selfish as that admittedly is haha


Great post and in a position to qualify that post on both your personal circumstances and age as well.:+1:

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That is exactly how I feel, for very similar reasons. It will take time to feel differently, especially because a vaccine for my daughter is still some way off. On a logical level I can see infections are falling and it seems the vaccine is hitting transmission rates hard. The threat is, based on all the evidence, falling and that’s great. But the instinct that more people together in one place equals a threat is going to take a long time to shift.



:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


Love to see the last line as well.

Eid better be allowed to be celebrated properly ffs. Especially considering the winters’ events


Yeah that was another hypocrisy that was conveniently ignored by the press and opposition parties.

What were the winter events?


Oh, some people being able to see their family at Christmas but other people being told days before that they were not allowed to, you mean? Geography lottery. Yeah that was great fun. Wouldn’t wish that for people wanting to celebrate Eid to be honest, but each to their own I guess.

Restrictions being eased when the virus was nowhere near as under control as it is now. For mental health reasons and not based on what the situation was.

So I’m hoping Eid could be celebrated since the virus is under much more control, and for the mental health reasons also.

Eid was virtually cancelled the day before when everything was ready too be celebrated.


Well they fucked that up then because that whole fiasco made my mental health worse! Restrictions were only eased if you were lucky with your postcode. I had a shit Christmas.

But yeah you should be fine, as like you say, it’s much more under control now.

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So my cousin, my reporting manager and my best friend have contracted Covid.

We have come full circle and people in my very social circle are getting it.

This strange new variant is messing up everything.

Stay safe Trion

I wish I knew how to do that Dave.


Just control what you can within your own life for now mate. It’s frustrating I know.
You’ll get there it’s that dirty word patience thats the key. Hang in @Trion