Cesc Fabregas

Arteta was better then Carrick who was starting in midfield when injured win the title.

Arteta was fine. If we had other to players around him he would have been perfect

The issue was also that we caved on the price!

Say what you want about the Dortmund model but they typically extract a price for the players they sell.

Carrick > Arteta


You’ve got to be kidding me lol. Carrick was absolutely miles clear of Arteta it isn’t even close.


We had to watch Rooney mark Arteta out of games vs United. Ugly shit.

Hard to get a good price when you sell everybody, I think that was part of the problem. The club became a bit of a pushover.

Afraid not kidding. Arteta was statistically better and in a more dysfunctional late Wenger arsenal compared to a well-oiled Fergie United.

My point was look at what Arteta has done for us now ‘masterstroke’ was a tongue in cheek comment !? The love he has for Arsenal was because he played for us :man_facepalming: :rofl::rofl:

Damn. I’ve been deceived! Maybe he had the high quality fiber in for that photo.

Michael Carrick was the Jordan Henderson of Man Utd during Fergie’s last years.

He was immense in almost every department whenever I watched him.

I recall the frustration in here whenever Arteta would pay a sideways ball :sweat_smile:

Third wind




That pic is clearly from 2012, says it right there mate, come on.


Cesc when the wind blows…

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I mentioned it a couple days ago that it was strange that he had so much influence on the signings Como was making. Turns out he was set to become the head coach of Como.

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