Cedric Soares

Look at that bicep. Been destroying the 50lb dumbbells.

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Does he have 5 premier league appearances this season ? :eye:

Fuck Fulham. Cunts are going to lowball us again.

I wouldnā€™t sell a bag of shit to these fake poor fuckers. Bastards.


It would be nice if we rolled them for like 15m or some shit.

Obviously quite unlikely, but still.

Meh, weā€™re not poor, he hasnā€™t been a cunt, might as well get him off the wage bill and put his Ā£60k a week towards Riceā€™s Ā£150k a week or whatever

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Ā£10m sounds like a nice round number to me. Gets him off the wage bill and recovers the fee we paid with a bit extra. Heā€™s been a good professional player for us during our transitional period so if he does leave I will wish him well. No.17 gets freed up as well, potentially for a new winger :grin:

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Itā€™s gonna be a similar fee like Leno.
Probably gonna break even on whatever we paid for hin in 2020.
Main takeaway is taking him off our wage bill and adding someone more useful in the team.


Wonā€™t be more than 4 or 5 million quid.

Sounds optimistic to me. Iā€™d bite their hand off for 5m.

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Yeah this has the unmistakeable aroma of a mutual contract termination. Edu is probably jonsing for one. He hasnā€™t been able to do one this window.

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We didnā€™t even pay a fee lol it was a free transfer

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I believe we did. Probably mentioned in this thread as well but some weird fuckery went on with this deal where we essentially ended up paying a 5m fee for him even though he was gonna be a free agent the summer of 2020.

Kia naturally involved.

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Always have to respect a player wanting to play over sitting around on easy street.


I donā€™t think heā€™d be going anywhere if it meant taking a wage cut


Silva so desperate to sign him heā€™s convinced the Khans to splash out on a loan with zero commitment. Lol


Btw, this means he ainā€™t getting a PL medal if we win the league, right?
Bit sad tbf. Fucking Lokonga is getting one.

Well we could give him a commemorative medal if we wished to.


Oh you just know heā€™ll be somewhere in the celebration pictures regardless of who he plays for

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Part of the squad which created a good environment and called out Lacazette for being crap, so yes we should get him a medal