
St. Pauli back in the top flight. Good to see.

Might even get me watching some Bundesliga if time allows.



All those free agents must be fuming. A few months aog it looked like a couple of big jobs would be open but that’s no longer the case.

Bayern job closed, Chelsea job closed, Barca job closed, Newcastle job closed, Leverkusen job closed, Roma job closed. Man Utd job could soon follow the same fate.

Gotta settle for Juve(Motta is almost certainly taking that job) Milan and Napoli.

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Fuck yeah. The only German team I support.


You think that squad can dance to his tune after a few years of Respectball under Allegri?

We’re about to find out.

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Bayern apparently now want to keep Tuchel

pretty much everyone else rejected them so they’ve gone begging back to him, he should say NO after they already told him to go, embarrassing stuff

Such a bad look

They’ve tried to higher everyone under the sun


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He’s the best coach on the market for them.

Although could you imagine how pissed Kimmich would be? Didn’t they have a big argument?

Arsenal kickstarted Bayern’s good run of form


Conte should take the Milan job. It’s basically tailor made for him.

I wonder where Allegri ends up. He’s not had the best return to Juventus but think people are incredibly harsh on him. It’s an awful squad and people are expecting way too much from him.

In the time he’s been there we’ve seen the club go through financial turmoil, senior management resignations, serious injury problems to key players (Chiesa, Pogba) and the club basically not having the money to invest in building a really good team.


Sounds like they did ok after a terrible start on his return

It has still been terrible but too much of that has been put on Allegri.

He’s given plenty of young players an opportunity. Fagioli, Miretti, Cambiaso, Yildiz, Caviglia, Iling-Junior…

They’ve been given minutes. But the squad itself? It’s terrible. He still has to play shit like McKennie… there is Gatti and Danilo playing as CBs and neither are top quality in that role.

Caviglia isn’t special (although he does have some potential based on couple recent showings), Locatelli is slightly above average and McKennie is shit. They had to contend with Pogba being out for an entire year and then basically having his career ended by the doping scandal.

Chiesa has had injury issues, Yildiz is a kid, Milik is average and Vlahovic suffers under Allegri due to service issues but is a beast.

It’s just a crap squad.

There were rumours that Fiorentina wanted Allegri but I’m not sure how that will pan out. I think if they win ECL Italiano will stay.

Napoli apparently want Conte.

Milan as you know were close to Lopetegui but that didn’t go well. Now they’re thinking between Conceicao and Fonseca.

So we may be seeing a lot of change in the summer.

The one I really feel sorry for is Pioli personally. He’s essentially paying the price for Inter being so good this season. Not sure what’s next for him.

Were Milan not trying for Motta?

Really hope he doesn’t go to Juventus

They were interested but it seems Motta to Juve is almost a lock.

Good move for Juventus. They’ve only had 1 non Italian manager in the last 50 years so they’ll stick to that trend with Motta. He’s Brazilian born but a former Italian international with Italian ancestry so guess that’ll mean they are sticking to their traditions lol.

Conte will never be welcome back at Juventus and if he has any sense he’d take that Milan job. It’s probably the best job in Italy outside of Inter.

Even I have to agree with that. I hate the way he sets up his teams because I think it’s boring but this isn’t a vintage squad.

Tuchel staying at Bayern?

(Or am I late to the party?)

EDIT: yes, by 10 hours :roll_eyes:

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Being late is fashionable.

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Barca, Bayern and Man Utd might be the funniest run big clubs in the world.