
Brexit and Covid fucking us at the same time.

What a country


Scary times on this negotiation. Interesting to see who blinks first and if no one does it’ll be a horrible car crash.

Along with the COVID news feeling pretty miserable today.

Better go listen to the Smiths greatest hits part 1 now!!!


Another win for the Brexiters :roll_eyes:

Holy shit! That is mental.


Yay Brexit!

Thanks Barnsley

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Kept hearing they knew what they were voting for, so they’ll have been expecting this and definitely won’t mind.

Fucking idiots.


Find it really odd that people are excited about this. “We’ve stopped you being able to go and easily live and work in a whole group of countries, yay let’s have a party.”


I agree, but ultimately it’s people travelling in the other direction that people care most about. Majority of people would never consider living abroad anyway, so they don’t give a shit.


And I bet for the most part, these people travelling the other way don’t affect the lives of those people complaining in the slightest. Certainly not in a negative way anyway. It’s the classic “they’re stealing our jobs” line that get rolled out to rile people up. No, the qualified doctors are not stealing the jobs of Mr 1 GCSE from Liverpool :roll_eyes:


Yeah just look at all the issues we had with fruit picking this summer, fucking ridiculous

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They do though. Mr 1 GCSE from Liverpool’s wages are being supressed by an increased volume of unskilled migrant workers. Mr 1 GCSE from Liverpool who lives in a shithole sees unskilled migrants pumped into his shithole. Propety prices and rents rise. Because Mr 1 GCSE from Liverpool lives in low cost rental property, that’s also where the unskilled migrants who are more likely to have anti-social behaviours also move to and hence he suffers from their anti-social behaviours.

I don’t know a Mr 1 GCSE from Liverpool but I have chatted with Mr 1 GCSE types from other cities with similar complaints.

FoM was a big issue for the electorate, it good to see the Government acting on promises.

Brits who want to live and work in the EU it’s not will still find their way there with relative ease.

Post Brexit it won’t be as straightforward though. Not so much to do with the freedom thing, but Brexit as a whole – I know an electrician who was looking at buying a house in Spain and he has now decided against it as his qualifications will no longer be valid and he’d have to redo his driving test too.

Obviously it’ll still be possibly to set up in an EU country, but it’ll be a whole lot more difficult. We are losing something big here.

And anyway, the UK has always had the power to decide who stays and who leaves. This whole thing is weird and I just find it incredible that a sentence containing the words freedom and ending can be celebrated anywhere.

Common Travel Area is still a thing. I can come and go as I please bitches!


FFS there really are no positives to this :smile:


Post Brexit life can be simple if the EU wants it that way. There’s no reason why mutually recognised driving standards or electrician qualifications that were perfectly good before the end of the transition period are suddenly crap the moment we’re out.

I can understand the argument about goods and services but the UK isn’t diverging on the little miscellaneous areas. This stuff could have already been mutually agreed, resolving the trade wasn’t the sticking point for the UK.

This is fair enough.

I’ve seen valid argument from the left and right on why ending FoM is correct. I’ve seen a lot of right wingers claim the UK is now egalitarian because we no longer favour EU citizens and all peoples of the world have the same opportunity to live here.

There’d be some merit in that argument if it wasn’t disingenuous


Yeah as if your average Brexit voter actually wants someone from Africa or the Middle East to move to the UK ahead of a Portuguese, Swedish or Dutch person :joy:

Talk about virtue signalling

Yeah that argument about evening up the playing the field doesn’t work when the subsequent regulations are tougher than the ones they’re replacing haha. I think some brexiteers don’t gauge how big of a thing opening up Visa restrictions will be when doing some trade deals (the one with India particularly springs to mind)


Yeah talk about people stealing jobs then haha Brexiteers won’t know what hit them when all the qualified and educated Indians come over and actually take the high paying jobs then

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