Arsène Wenger

What a sell out. Never thought I’d see the day.


He’s been talking about this idea for a while. If you actually read His proposition it will make international matches much more appealing.

Less qualifying matches, more knockout ones.

Wouldn’t think he’d of been happy with that when he was a club manager.
Too many competitions and they lose their uniqueness value. Just becomes to samey for me.


Nah Wenga

Kind of agree.

But maybe it’s the only way national federations wrestle control back from club football? If you get a shot at a World Cup every two years rather than every four?

I’d back this plan just to see Messi play at a few more WCs.

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I read that and I started thinking about how to defend it…but it’s such a shit idea even I gave up :joy::joy: I hate international football. Dreadfully boring and low intensity, if Xhaka looks good playing this brand of football I know that it’s not worth watching. So more instances of our players either getting injured or being late for preseason, is not good for club football anyways and selfishly that’s all I care about.


Yep the qualifying is fucking pointless, not really against a world cup every 2 years if it eradicates international weeks where England have to play San Marino and scotland


Lumping Scotland in with San Marino. Classic English arrogance.

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Mate, if the world cup has f’ckin sold out in 2022 to become a goddamn winter World Cup, I don’t wanna waste 4 years of my life to wash that shit out.

Bring it on every 2 years!


Lower case s aswell.

Straight disrespect


Logistically it makes sense BUT it would devalue the status and prestige of the World cup and its place at the pinnacle of world football.


Modern football in a nutshell. Load of bollocks.


Panini rubbing their hands in glee here.

Let’s just rebrand the World Cup as the International Super League and have done with it will we?

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Every 4 years for the WC and Euros is right, they have that part of it correct.

Thank you Marty.

Help yourself to a Cognac.

Strange how he changed his mind so dramatically…

During his time at the club he was even talking about abandoning the idea of international football entirely… How it’s pointless etc… “The club is paying the player.” At times when we had probles with injuries, tired players on international brakes etc. Now, he wants a big cup every year… Hmm… I wonder why? …

SPOILER: He works for FIFA!!!

Yep, only cares about his own ass, just like during his time at the club. Protecting and developing football my ass.


Saving this up for his second book.


Oh look, activity in the Wenger thread…


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Gotta say I’m disappointed with Weng if he’s drinking the FIFA kool aid :pensive: