Arsenal vs Leicester City (PL) 4-2

It’s just dawned on me I’m going to have to do 50 mins on the Piccadilly line today in 33 degree heat to get to the game :laca:

That’s gonna be rough but at least Chelsea aren’t playing so I can just wear my arsenal top without having to cover it up. Small blessings I suppose.


London is a madness lol. 50 minutes on the tube to another part of the city :joy:

Yeah it’s madness. It’s why I never bother going east of central.

45-50mins is standard and why I go to more Brentford games because that’s max 30 mins lol

I’m visiting a friend in Amersham soon and that’ll be 1hr25 mins on the tube - I can literally get to Bath or Bristol quicker.

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Are taxi’ not a thing in London or does traffic make the idea unbearable?

Wouldn’t be quicker and would cost 5 times as much.


At least you aren’t in the central line

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Don’t forget to buy a scarf @Cristo You’ll need it in this weather


Was thinking maybe an Arsenal themed bucket hat :joy:

@Truth_hurts yeah a taxi to the emirates from my gaff would be like £60 and would take just as long lol

@mhappy very true, fuck the central line

Edit: although Uber is saying £30 to the emirates atm :eyes:

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A big match for me. I just found out my mum isn’t coming out of her coma.
I watched Arsenal beat Luton at Highbury the day my grandad died, Arsenal beat Man Utd the day my first love left me and I’m once again hoping that my beloved Arsenal get me through a tough day.

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Sorry to hear wiv

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That’s some rough news. Fingers crossed that Arsenal winning is a tiny bit of light today.



Ahh sorry to hear that mate. Hope you’re coping all right.

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Bless you @Wivenswold

Can’t give you much positivity after that message, but I hope you have the strength to get through this. :pray:

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That’s serious dad territory my friend. You start with a bucket hat and next thing you know it’s white on white New Balance sneakers and knock-knock jokes. Be careful.


Ahh man so sorry to hear that. Let’s hope Arsenal do their best to help keep your mind off of a traumatic event :heart:

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Wow tough news for you mate. Sorry to hear that.

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Sorry to hear

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Sorry to hear that :pensive: sending good vibes and hopefully the team can deliver a reason to smile today.

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Ah that’s sad news, sorry to hear that. Hope you get through this OK. Sometimes a match is more than just football.

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