Arsenal transfers 24/25

I agree to an extent, but the problem is Olise plays mainly on the RW. He isn’t the obvious choice for a backup/rotation and he will sign for a team where he can start the majority of the matches. This is where IMO Nico Williams makes more sense given that he could play on either the LW or RW. I still think Sancho could be an option at £40m for the same reason. The more likely resolution, if we sign a new striker, is that Jesus becomes the rotation/backup for Saka on the RW.

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I get what you’re saying and I think a year ago I would have agreed. But watching Olise play this spring in Glasner’s system, which was really Olise and Eze as two 10s behind a striker and sometimes also changing sides, makes me think he could play pretty much anywhere in our front five except the 9. There’s definitely some question about how much you often you would want to take them out of roles in which they’ve been very successful but I believe Odegaard could play on either side as an attacking midfielder and that Saka could basically play anywhere in the front five as well. Again, City’s example is pretty interesting. KDB, Bernardo, Sterling, Foden, and Alvarez have played all over their front five at different points. I don’t think its necessarily the case that we need to just pencil in Saka for RW and Odegaard for right 8 forever.

I think the concept of RW/LW gets way too much focus, most players can play on either. Only super one footed cunts can’t hack it.

Saka for example sees some benefit playing on the right as he’ll have better shooting angles cutting in but he’s not gonna become a pile of crap on the left. A lot of wingers are less one footed than him too.

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Good thing about the media not having a fucking clue is that my wishlist is still alive.

Still talking bollocks my friend :slightly_smiling_face:, Osimhen’s new €10 million a year contract doesn’t kick in until the start of next season.
This works out roughly €192,000 a week which in English pounds is approximately £162,000,hardly destabilising the wage bill and he only got that contract at Napoli so ADL could raise his release clause.

ADL has no intention of paying him those kind of wages, Osimhen will go but anyone interested will be playing a game of bluff with ADL


Welcome back but I’m afraid you’re wrong my friend.
I’ve already covered this before. Di Marzio reported what you said but you missed some details.
Yes, his wages do kick in next season but it’s 13m euros NET, and indeed Napoli have no intention of keeping him.

The move to Chelsea didn’t break down due to them not finding an agreement with Napoli but them not finding an agreement with Osimhen. He wants the big bucks whatever happens.

On a side note @Jesseviolin, talk to me about Neves.

There is a reason they are wanting to reduce his salary!


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I need some news about a winger that moves everyone.

Welcome back brother. Good to see you here.


I know just the guy.

Moves in a good way please

A Gervinho with a final ball would be elite.

His ability to beat a man is exactly what I want in our new winger. Just don’t shit the bed after doing so.


I’m not wrong because in Italy the media give net figures and i mean written and spoken in Italian, what you’ve read is an English translation which gives salaries as a gross figure.
Either way it’s not gonna disrupt Arsenal’s wage structure he wouldn’t even be top earner. Last season he was on € 5 million a year. Don’t forget all these figures are in euros.

As for other point I couldn’t give a shit for Portuguese football so don’t care or have an opinion on it’s players.
I was in Aveiro last night cheering on for Ireland to no avail.

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It was a video from Di Marzio less than 2 weeks ago speaking about Osimhen in English.

So are you saying that even though he’s specifically saying “net”, he means gross?


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Victor Osimhen has officially signed his new contract with Napoli to June 2026, announced President Aurelio De Laurentiis.

The patron had already hinted at the deal last night when telling TG1 it could be ‘the surprise gift under the Christmas Tree’ for his fans.

As is tradition at Napoli, De Laurentiis took control of the announcement himself, posting the images of Osimhen signing the paperwork with only one word: ‘Done!’

According to reports including Sky Sport Italia, Fabrizio Romano and more, Osimhen will increase his salary to €10m per season after tax.

There will also be the inclusion of a release clause, believed to be set at €120-130m, valid only for clubs outside of Italy during the summer.

I’m not looking for more confirmation what I said for you, I’ve spent most of this year in Italy and I listen to the football radio and tv shows and this is how it works.
I know you like to be right but it is what it is.


GC is so wrong but won’t accept it because he fancies himself as an authority figure on transfer news lol

It’s been known for months that Osimhen signed a deal that takes his net to €10m


I literally referenced the source of what I said.
If what Di Marzio reported is false, then he’s wrong.
He’s the football expert in Italy, not me. :rofl:


Because I gave you the reason why, unless you can speak Italian he gave you the English translation, and you didn’t even answer the rest of my reply to your original post about Osimhen breaking Arsenal’s wage structure, any look on the Internet can show you Arsenal’s top earners and Osimhen wouldn’t be on ridiculous wages