Arsenal transfers 24/25

Striker should be a priority along with wide player and midfielder IMO

If they think Sesko is the guy then bring him in, we need more firepower particularly at CF because those set piece goals aren’t necessarily sustainable


Would rather vlahovic but sesko is in a similar bucket. Would tick plenty of the same boxes and not upset the apple cart.

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We’re waiting for the Man City fire sale. Haaland can come and clean his captain’s boots.


Heavy agent talk with this guy. We signed him 5 times since January according to Turkish media.
Meanwhile I’ve never seen a single British outlet even mention him as a player of interest.


Sounds like bollocks

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Another LB???

Arteta loves buying defenders.

We have zero actual left backs in the squad :slight_smile:

We’ll soon have zero actual right backs too once Cedric goes.

Out of interest, what is is that puts vlahovic above sesko, Gyokeres and isak for you? Seeing as they’re all similarly built strikers.

Ignore the commentary from the tweet.

This is hilarious from Edu. He did something similar in the doc.
I think it happened last year as well.

Edu just has these boards out there in his office. No wonder we’ve got leaks. :rofl:

Nketiah not even listed.
Interesting that certain positions are circled with a green colour and others with orange/yellow.
I presume green means the position is sorted while orange/yellow means it isn’t.

Isak too expensive and injury prone

Gyokeres feels like a risk given he’s randomly exploded now and we’ve seen players flopping from Portuguese league

Sesko is the closest but I’ve seen him have some shocking finishing and remind me a bit too much of Werner in the respect he can bang goals but also shit the bed.

Price to ability I think vlahovic will be the best but also wouldn’t exactly cry at any of the choices.

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What if we keep Nketiah?

There’s not enough malort on the market for me if that happens.

You trying to ruin my summer?


Eddie is a decent squad player but we need better

Yes, but not for a title chasing team that’s fighting City. Got to go, along with Nelson and ESR.


To be serious for a sec, out of the players currently here and are not of out of contract in the summer, Nketiah is the likeliest to go.

There’s a reason he’s not even on Edu’s board.