Arsenal Kits and Merch

What a beaut

Hello, i’m looking to buy an authentic Arsenal 2005-2006 shirt, but unfortunetely the internet is full of fake replicas and I wanted to figure out how the tags of the original one look like. I’ve seen quite a few different shirts that all look authentic on the outside but have very different tags. Some are easily spotted as fakes, others not so much as there small varying details. Can someone with an authentic shirt help?

You see tops and usually a player comes to mind that you associate with that time

I’m only seeing Ossssspinaaaa for this one :grin:

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I’ve done exactly the same and worn a shirt-a-day. Didn’t think I’d still be wearing long-sleeve ones by the second weekend in May, but it’s looking likely.

Came in the post today. I got a small and its still absolutely massive :joy:

Looks great tho!


Nice rug mate.


I kinda expected it to look a bit more “new”, if that makes sense. New in a bad way I mean, cos you don’t want it to look like it was mass produced yesterday with the vintage replicas. Save having a kit sponsor, that looks pretty much as it should.

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Thanks really makes the room look so much better.

Got it in B and Q back in March when the rumours were that lockdown was imminent and I had do to a mad dash after work to fill up my empty flat with stuff to live in as I thought I could do it at my leisure like everyone else did when they bought there first ever flat :joy:

Was later confirmed I got it all on the Monday before the lockown so just got there in time.

This was an entirely pointless post and no one gives a fuck but you lay the olive branch mate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


unnamed (1)


I now have an image of Calum in a Supermarket Sweep jumper


It had a sponsor back then aswell? Unless you mean something else haha

I’m so bored of the Emirates as a kit sponsor


At this point Emirates and Arsenal are so intertwined I’m not sure we will get to see something else on the short term.

Think he means it’s missing the Adidas logo.


Ah yeah. I always wonder for retro kits how do they get the clearance to use the old sponsor of the old top but never the kit manufacturers logo.

How am I the first one to like this

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Adidas should revert to that trefoil flower logo, instantly transforms any kit.

@Calum you can probably pick up a cheap Adidas iron-on patch off eBay… if you have an ironing board in your new flat of course


I have an ironing board yeah that was on my supermarket sweep list :joy:

that seems to much effort for something I’m not that bothered about truthfully hah. Cheers tho

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Ah yeah, it was always great watching the contestants put an ironing board in their trolley!


Ah yes, @shamrockgooner is right. I meant the Adidas logo and stripes. Think I called them kit sponsors cos I thought of JVC as the shirt sponsor, but now realise that distinction probably makes no sense. I’m sure I’ve heard the two being given distinct names before but I’m too far gone tonight to be able to work it out lol

Yeah, he set himself up for that expertly. Good work.