Arsenal Kits and Merch

Mainly this.

But also, our like counts are way down! :grin:


More fucking tops to bilk the fanbase.

Arsenal Fashion Club


Is that @Cristo’s music I hear?!? :denmark::denmark::denmark:

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Don’t like the sleeves or the upper area.

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Very smart

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I wonder if that training kit hints at the pink and navy for the 3rd kit. I agree, rather smart.

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We have worn red shorts before, I can’t recall the exact game or season. I wonder what the reasoning was in that instance?

I don’t mind them every now and then but as a regular thing, no thanks.

EDIT: we wore them against Qarabag in Europa but doesn’t confirmed exact reasoning, potentially the clash with Qarabag GK shorts.

Also in 2018 against West Brom, which was apparently due to colour clash with West Brom shorts.



Might as well change our name to the Red (hot) London Chilli Peppers
:hot_pepper: :hot_pepper: :hot_pepper:

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Not a fan of the red on red so it’s a big no thank you from me

Yeah I really do not like the red on red it just doesn’t work

Hopefully they have got a loud and clear message that we don’t like it.


Hopefully sales are even worse and they get the message.

Fuck red shorts forever.

Edit: I read arseblog and it made me reminded me that they arent on sale, so I guess what I mean is hopefully the feedback from fans was negative enough to put them off.


It might be alright if they were red and white and attempting to match the top or something. But bog standard red, what’s the point.

Also, who the fuck is buying the shorts en masse.


Soccer shorts or lacrosse shorts can be ideal lounge-wear. But only if they’re made of that low grade perforated mesh you get from gym uniforms. IYKYK.

Thought I was going crazy because I was pretty sure I’ve seen Arsenal wearing black shorts with the red home kit. Fortunately I’m not that crazy. It was a 3-0 win at Fenerbahce in 2013.

I liked the alternative kit at that time. Now, not so much.



Eurgh looks like a Utd kit ffs !?

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That was navy blue with the Nike Kit and I think it looked smart as it matched the blue trim in the shirt. Likewise, the red shorts used at Watford had the same colour blue stripe used on the shoulders, so it was part of the kit range (a few were sold by the club store last summer).

So long as we play in mostly white shorts at home, I’m fine with it as it means we’ll wear our red shirts more often on the road. A large proportion of our away and third kits feature blue. So I don’t get the problem with Red shirts and blue shorts.

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