Account reminders

I’d like to remind members that although we are starting from scratch, certain rules still carry over from the old site onto here.

They include:

Strictly no Multi Accounts.
Banned members are NOT allowed to return.
No spamming.
No posting inappropriate/indecent images.
Verbal and racial abuse towards other members will NOT be tolerated.

A log system will be maintained throughout, of members who fall foul to any of the misdemeanors above. Failure to comply with the site rules, will see penalties issued. So please let this be a reminder to all members to keep to the rules and stay out of trouble.

If there is something you are unsure of, or seek clarification, contact any of the staff members via PM.

A more comprehensive guide, regards to the site’s rules and actions can be found here:


Shit, I was just now making that SergeCuellar account. :confused:

I’ve taken the time now, to heavily update the opening post and to put in all the nesessary information to make it absolutely clear to all members when using this site so there is no confusion what is not acceptable on here.

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