2022 World Cup


Good job I didnā€™t bet on it :kissing_heart:

I rate Hollandā€™s chances to become WC higher than Englandā€™s :slight_smile:

No joke


Holland getting smashed by messi dw

If Holland play England, Iā€™d love for Holland to win.


That was some finish.


I saw how Messi smashed giants Saudi Arabia :joy::joy::joy:



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Siiuuu Carpenter

Yeah true heā€™s shit now after that one game :joy:

Fucking lol

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Weā€™ll see my friend weā€™ll see

True my amigo

Oh same. For sure. England are bottlers.

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Fancy a friendly bet on who goes further?

If England go further, you arenā€™t allowed to talk about Elon Musk on OA for six months, if Holland go further, Iā€™m not allowed to :joy:


6 months :flushed: thatā€™s long man

Maybe 3 months? :crazy_face:

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I mean you have to actually get far in a tournament to bottle

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Hahaha, lets face it, 6 months would be a big challenge for either of us :joy:

We can go 3 months though for sure, active from the date when its confirmed who has gone further.

Letā€™s do 4 months, feels just worse than 3ā€¦


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