UK General Election announced for 8th June

To be honest it’s usually those on the further left and right. People on the whole still support it, and I expect these people to be fairly moderate.

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Not really, she kind of needed to pick a woman both as a sort of extension of her, and to prevent looking like a weak woman. Amber Rudd is about the most competent and high profile woman, other than Priti Patel, but she’s probably too Asian to be headlining for the Tories.

I think it is important to recognise that, just like every other public entity during these past 10 or so years, it’s quality has dropped considerably in all areas due to an ever shrinking budget.

I can’t believe it’s even a possibility that the Tories have ballsed this up.

I think this is the worst campaign from a main party I can remember for a while. May could have really owned it and showed what she’s all about. She could have put her stamp on the country, she could have gone for the justAboutManagings she was so keen to win over when she started and still kept it right wing enough about Brexit, she could have got her desired “mandate” but there’s nothing really positive about their campaign, and while people like to have a pop at Corbyn, I really don’t know what about Theresa May would make you want to vote for her. Elections are about policy but they’re also about personality. People have this view of the “strong leader” that’ll stand up for us and I can’t see why anyone would think she’s it.

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It makes you wonder how much of a liability she would have been, if her advisors thought it was better to send someone else, rather than her.

My favourite thing was a BBC dateline or whatever it’s called, you know where they handle complaints?

There was a segment on it where they were talking about viewer responses to their coverage of Israel-Palestine a few months/a year ago.

Get this: They got 951 complaints saying they were too pro-Israel but they got 973 complaints saying they were too pro-Palestine hahahaha

If that many people are unhappy on both sides of the issue, then they’re doing this whole unbiased thing pretty well imo.

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Corbyn would be the first gunner to win a major trophy after years :hipster:

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This nurse foodbank thing I’ve heard repeatedly over the election is really interesting. If a nurse has been ‘forced’ to use a food bank due to low wages that strikes me as poor personal financial management if anything.

I doubt the organization who conducted the research were 100% objective or far in their investigation. Who are these nurses using foodbanks? What are their names and what are their situations? Would Labour increase of your salary really alleviate your need to use food banks?

I’d love to get involved with an organization like politifact UK.


Is it remotely possible that May doesnt actually want to be PM? Its almost self-sabotage sending that robot in her place.

Even if she didn’t want the job there’s no way she’d deliberately fuck the party over, she’d just resign (imo at least).

I’m not dismissing what you’re saying, and ignoring the specific point about just nurses, but does it seem likely to you that the reason that so many people are now using foodbanks is because people have suddenly become much worse at managing their personal finances? Or is it more likely a reflection of the fact that in real terms wages have gone down by ten percent, a decrease only matched in the developed world by Greece who are totally fucked, and that cost of living and cost of accomodation are on the rise? (Fair enough if you are absolutely only talking about nurses but some of that still applies to them, but that leads me to the below)

All that is in that image is that nurse Danielle offering some anecdotal evidence, what research is it that you are referring to? What organisation is it you are referring to? And if you haven’t looked at the nature of the research and the methodology employed then it seems rather empty to express unfounded doubts about their impartiality or objectiveness.

Better nationalise it.

Fair enough points.

Royal College of Nursing [quote=“JakeyBoy, post:293, topic:1397”]
what research is it that you are referring to

A survey conducted by the RCN that I can’t find directly. Informaation only relayed in news articles

And a Daily Mirror Investigation too

Questioning the objectivity and impartiality of any study is that doesn’t come from a independent organizations with a track record for impartiality is perfecting valid in my eyes.

I found this -

I’m pretty sure you’d be cynical about the outcomes of a study conducted by the taxpayers alliance on the risks of Labour’s tax plan (of which there is none) with considering their methodology first

I am particularly enjoying this atrocious campaign by the Tories.

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Yes it is, I would do the same. I made that point because it seemed to me to be unclear what organisation you were talking about or even what research you were referring to, which I guess is why it felt to me that you were just reflexively casting doubt without due reason. Which is why I made the point about looking into the research and its methodology. Apologies if that seemed a bit out of order or overly confrontational (which is something I’m prone to doing/being)

I appreciate your responses in this thread, I really value discourse with intelligent people with opposing views. I had intended to reply to your last response to me in here re leadership debates but I never quite found the time to get my laptop out and do it justice with a lengthy response. I won’t lie though, last night’s debate put a lot of your arguments into context for me and I’d say I’m at best neutral on televised debates. I do think they serve a purpose to an extent, but the constant interrupting and talking over each other was almost unbearable. If these debates become a fixture they need to be strictly moderated by someone able to keep the candidates in order.

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Starting salary for Nurses is approx £20,000. Having to go to a foodbank on that means something drastic surely has happened. That should really be more than enough for a single person to live on.

I suppose if you are the sole breadwinner for a family and stay somewhere expensive like London, that may complicate things though.

Sometimes they are one-off crises that occur, but yes it must be pretty rare to see that imo.

Not necessarily. If the nurse lived in London her rent would be at least £1000 a month for a single bed flat. She might have kids to pay for, bills, debts. She’d be paying back her student loan. Generally £20,000 ought to be enough to scrape by, but its not a big leap to imagine how someone could get into difficulties on that.

I work in the teaching profession where salaries are similar - most 20-30 singles live at home with mum and dad as they can’t afford to move out.


AFCTV Goes political… Fuck fam blud…

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Just seen this on Facebook.
It’s being shared by loads of people.
It’s a bit long but quite good.
I don’t think it will make much difference but it’s still worth a read, and it shows why the people with money and power are desperate for Corbyn not to win.
Here’s what I’m really struggling to understand. All I’ve ever heard from people, for years, is:

“bloody bankers and their bonuses”
“bloody rich and their offshore tax havens “
**“bloody politicians with their lying and second homes” **
“bloody corporations paying less tax than me”
“bloody Establishment, they’re all in it together”
“it’ll never change, there’s no point in voting”

And quite rightly so, I said all the same things.

But then someone comes along that’s different. He upsets the bankers and the rich. The Tory politicians hate him along with most of the labour politicians. The corporations throw more money at the politicians to keep him quiet. And the Establishment is visibly shaken. I’ve never seen the Establishment so genuinely scared of a single person.

So the media arm of the establishment gets involved. Theresa phones Rupert asking what he can do, and he tells her to keep her mouth shut, don’t do the live debate, he’ll sort this out. So the media goes into overdrive with:

“she’s strong and stable”
“he’s a clown”
“he’s not a leader”
“look he can’t even control his own party”
“he’ll ruin the economy”
“how’s he gonna pay for it all?!”
“he’s a terrorist sympathiser, burn him, burn the terrorist sympathiser”

And what do we? We’ve waited forever for an honest politician to come along but instead of getting behind him we bow to the establishment like good little workers. They whistle and we do a little dance for them. We run around like hypnotised robots repeating headlines we’ve read, all nodding and agreeing. Feeling really proud of ourselves because we think we’ve came up with our very own first political opinion. But we haven’t, we haven’t come up with anything. This is how you tell. No matter where someone lives in the country, they’re repeating the same headlines, word for word. From Cornwall to Newcastle people are saying:

“he’s a clown”
“he’s a threat to the country”
“she’s strong and stable”
“he’ll take us back to the 70s”

And there’s nothing else, there’s no further opinion. There’s no evidence apart from one radio 5 interview that isn’t even concrete evidence, he actually condemns the violence of both sides in the interview. There’s no data or studies or official reports to back anything up. Try and think really hard why you think he’s a clown, other than the fact he looks like a geography teacher (no offence geography teachers) because he hasn’t done anything clownish from what I’ve seen.

And you’re not on this planet if you think the establishment and the media aren’t all in it together.

You think Richard Branson, who’s quietly winning NHS contracts, wants Corbyn in?
You think Rupert Murdoch, who’s currently trying to widen his media monopoly by buying sky outright, wants Jeremy in?
You think the Barclay brothers, with their offshore residencies, want him in?
You think Philip Green, who stole all the pensions from BHS workers and claims his wife owns Top Shop because she lives in Monaco, wants Corbyn in?
You think the politicians, both Labour and Tory, with their second homes and alcohol paid for by us, want him in?
You think Starbucks, paying near zero tax, wants him in?
You think bankers, with their multi million pound bonuses, want him in?

And do you think they don’t have contact with May? Or with the media? You honestly think that these millionaires and billionaires are the sort of people that go “ah well, easy come easy go, it was nice while it lasted”?? I wouldn’t be if my personal fortune was at risk, I’d be straight on the phone to Theresa May or Rupert Murdoch demanding this gets sorted immediately.

Because here’s a man, a politician that doesn’t lie and can’t lie. He could have said whatever would get him votes anytime he wanted but he hasn’t. He lives in a normal house like us and uses the bus just like us. He’s fought for justice and peace for nearly 40 years. He has no career ambitions. And his seat is untouchable. That’s one of the greatest testimonies. No one comes close to removing him from his constituency, election after election.

His Manifesto is fully costed. It all adds up, yes there’s some borrowing but that’s just to renationalise the railway, you know we already subsidise them and they make profit yeah? One more time… WE subsidise the railway companies and they walk away with a profit, just try and grasp the level of piss taking going on there.

Unlike the Tory manifesto with a £9 billion hole, their figures don’t even add up.

And it benefits all of us, young, old, working, disabled, everyone. The only people it hurts are the establishment, the rich, the bankers, the top 5% highest earners.

Good, screw them, it’s long overdue. #VoteLabour #ForTheManyNotTheFew !