Olivier Giroud

Good luck selling girls on an open relationship. Trust me I’ve tried. Best compromise is take the thing to its logical end and make sure she doesn’t find out anything. What you don’t know can’t hurt you.

No the best option is for you not to lie and enter a monogamous relationship. If you want the benefits of a committed relationship then compromise and don’t fuck other people. If you want to fuck other people to your hearts content, then sacrifice the benefits of a relationship.

Or do what you want to do but that’s a cunt move in all honesty.

lol. Pretty brutal but not without its dose of truth. Girls–especially the asians!–like to convince themselves that they’re ‘not that type of girl’, but in the end–just like with everything–the biological and physiological inclinations will always win out.

Eh, not so black and white. Anyways, there is a grey area in relationships where you can avoid or deflect that cursed ‘what are we?’ chat and you can do your own thing without lying, just with a bit of tact so they don’t learn of anything either and can have the illusion that a lot of them need that it’s monogamous. That’s the area to live in. Not my fault society has developed this stupid way of seeing relationships and 99,9% of women are unable to escape society’s claws in this respect. :innocent:

The assholes are the ones, a lot of the time ones who truly believe they are dedicated to a monogamous relationships, who surrender to the basic biological urges and then tell the girl/or are found out through lack of tact, or because they lie together/introduced her too much into all aspects of their life, creating suffering. That is an asshole/cunt move. I avoid that. Once again, what you don’t know can’t hurt you.

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It’s good that you’re both expects on the inner workings of women’s minds by the way – despite not being female yourself. I don’t know any girls who are like the way being described here. Which is odd because apparently that is what most girls are like.

There is not a dose of truth in what was said. The only person i’ll be having children with is my future husband :blush:

I like this arsenecoatmaker guy, selling that unpalatable evolutionary biology real talk! :smile:

Another thread ruined by the usual 2 suspects. I am fed up with it.

It’s an exaggeration, especially the impregnating part, but it has its dose of truth in that women–or let’s just say humans, because it’s true for both sexes–like to convince themselves that they’re different or not ‘that type of person’, and it’s usually precisely those people who end up with what they proclaim to be ‘above’ or who would jump at the opportunity for it. In women’s case it’s the money/social status/security factor, along with attractiveness, in men it’s usually just the attractiveness. But yeah, like I said, it happens with both sexes, know plenty of male friends who think they’re ‘above’ a certain type of girl (sexy brainless type), but when push comes to shove, biology wins out…

Case in point, if you want to get women, it would seem to be counter-productive for them to know you are ‘that type of guy’, ie the disloyal type that just wants to fuck a different girl each night. But it’s well demonstrated by studies that in reality it’s quite the opposite…

Oh yeah?

Just out of interest, have you been in a relationship longer than a year perhaps? :slight_smile:

By the way he talks about women, I’d hazard a guess that the only relationship he’s been in is with his hand :wink:

Yeah, but yeah, I had to cheat and lie after one year, you can only deflect and throw philosophical mud at the question for so long. You can, however, keep friend groups separate and cheat with ease with the slightest bit of tact.

Which, like I said with Jakey, I don’t see as really too much of a cunt move. It’s a compromise because of the basic realities of society but it’s the lesser evil. Anyways, I would love for any girl I’m with to cheat on me too–and without broaching the subject (because if you broach it directly it always ends in the same-- “nah, that open relationship stuff isn’t for me, either you’re with me or you’re not”) I always subtly encourage them to have their own independent life–as long as it has similar effects for her as it has for me and as long as I don’t learn of it, as she doesn’t in my case.


You cheat yourself.

And you always go OT. I will be back in this thread when we are back on topic.

Who the fuck wants to talk about Giroud? The only interesting thing about Giroud is sex–which we’re talking about currently–and a potential sale, of which there is no news. This thread is as on topic as can be.

Cool story bro.



All these new posts, I thought Giroud had quit the club because Auba was a done deal…

Blink… can u create a relationship sub forum for this “discussions”? Thanks.

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I love how brutally honest AC is regarding this subject haha. And despite it being incredibly contrary to popular beliefs, there are dark truths in what he says.


If by dark truths you mean unsophisticated stereotypes, then yes. I love how everyone is an armchair evolutionary biologist and things turn out so black and white to them… you would think we were gophers or dogs the way some people talk… as you get older and more mature, you realize the greys better.

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If it is just a night of f__k and I really want to f__k… she is not a bad option though…