
The one that really galls me is the Pedigree.

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Legendary promo



I watched raw, with a fair bit of flicking.

Does every single walk out take 5 minutes these days?

The crowd were easily pleased too i thought. And 4 matches total was it?

Seen this so many times and it gets better every time.

He starts cracking up about his beer belly strategy :joy:

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The sharpshooter, as well. What a finishing move that was. By 1996/97, Austin, Taker, HBK didn’t tap out of it. In fact, Taker just pushed Bret’s legs off him :facepalm:

If memory serves me correct, only The Patriot tapped out from the sharpshooter in a PPV over that 2 year period.

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You seen Rock’s sharpshooter? It’s one of the worst Sharpshooter’s I’ve ever seen lol. Turns out only Bret, Owen and Sting can really do it properly.

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That one he applied on Mankind in SS98 was clearly a slap in the face to Bret (a year on from the screwjob)

Is the Scorpion Deathlock a slight variation on the Sharpshooter?

It’s pretty much the same move

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Speaking of Sharpshooter, this may very well the best/creative way that Bret ever locked the Sharpshooter in @ 17:40

@Leper Bret is pretty good isn’t he?

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Need to get that ratio back up to at least 40% of this thread being “Bret Hart was quite good. 1997 was a pretty good year for wrestling”

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I disagree about 1997, btw. 1997 was the set up for one of the best years in wrestling, 1998.

Can’t be having those kind of radical opinions. Next you’ll be telling me that Stone Cold was the :goat:.

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I prefer not to speak


This means nothing btw as the Janel Grant case is still open

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Yeah, I saw that later SRS shared that.
I guess Vince and his reps are trying to control the narrative.

PWInsider is saying Aleister Black is leaving AEW in February/March.

Can’t see Triple H not signing his guy back.

Yeah, seen a follow up that says there’s expectations that he’ll go back. Papa H was a big fan in NXT wasn’t he?

Yeah. He was booking him like his very own Undertaker down there in NXT.

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