
Event starting in 5 mins for anyone interested.

Poor guy got absolutely wrecked


Jacob Fatu is absolutely nothing :joy:

Them two were so freakishly strong they could throw about guys with ease.

Had a good showing last night, no?
Or is this about the botched moonsault?

He’s probably the best Samoan wrestler that’s came out of that family, bar maybe Umaga

He’s just nothing. People go on about him like he’s something amazing. He was ok, but that’s about it. He’s got no main event value at all. At the moment he’s a charisma vacuum, offers nothing in the ring that others don’t do better. Classic internet darling that shows why WWE know better a lot of the time.

Was War Games any good? Worth a watch?

Nothing mind-blowing but I enjoyed the event.

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Might pop it on after the footy. The snooker already looks a foregone conclusion


Rikishi lost this match btw

Fully Loaded 2000 right? I loved that show.

Literally watching this PPV next. Love that ppv as a whole

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Yeah it was great!
It was the first PPV I stayed up and watched live on channel 4, then watched it over and over again on VHS.

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I’ve been watching a lot of dark side of the ring episodes lately as they keep showing up on itv4 and they’ve all been great so far, I’ve learnt a lot about some older wrestlers before my time


Itv4?! Damn. Didn’t know they were on there.

yep it started from a few weeks ago from series 1, that’s good for me as I’ve not seen any episodes


Thanks for the heads up. Gonna give the plane ride from hell episode a watch.

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so far I’ve seen the Bruiser Brody, Von Erich, Montreal Screwjob and Gorgeous Gino

all interesting

Oh awesome, didn’t realise DSOTR was on Itv4 either, thanks for the heads up!