
Would you have Big Show pushing close for that list?

Nah, it’s accessible, that’s how you watch PLEs here.

Fun fact, it’s been so poorly maintained that in certain platforms(PS5) you can see Keith Lee and Sasha Banks on the front page.

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Where’s this list from, very incomplete.

They didn’t have an era but feels wrong to omit HBK/Bret

Where we putting Kurt Angle? Brock Lesnar?

No Orton? HHH?

@Annie85x Full Gear tomorrow.

Anything that whets the appetite?

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Fletcher/Ospreay and Takeshita/Ricochet for sure. Hangman/Switchblade should be great too!

Everything else should be good to great I reckon… Amazingly we don’t have a Jericho match on the card, so not too sure where my bathroom break will be lol

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I think it’s fair to say they could’ve easily added that pairing for the new gen era so I’m with you on that

Just a tad outdated then

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Let’s go!!! :heavy_multiplication_x:

Well his in-ring debut in WCW was something to remember :joy:

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@Starboy when he watches RAW on Monday:

If you haven’t got spoiled yet, watch Smackdown and enjoy. :saluting_face:

Incredible ending with the Yetay involvement!

Show was so agile in those early days, pulling off stuff a man his size had no right to.

Hogan donning the Hollywood attire pre-nwo, and without facial hair. Did they ever play on the ending as being a reason for him eventually turning?

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It was called the “New Generation Era” and HBK/Bret were undoubtedly the stars of it with Diesel and Razor behind them.

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Where does Undertaker sit in all of this? He covers so many eras

Will have to find some highlights cos I’m away atm so can’t just watch on discovery+.

Will try catch up tomorrow :eyes:

You’re telling me you’re not looking forward to Costco guys wrestling QT Marshall with The Rizzler as a special guest ringside?

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Match of the century contender right there fam!

It’s gonna be on Zero Hour, I bet they get a serious bump because of it.
Doubt it translates to PPV buys it’s free publicity regardless. Doesn’t hurt.

Yeah for sure. Id legit never heard of them before any of this and actually realise he used to be a wrestler until a few days ago lol.

Rizzler looks to be a beast though, if he doesn’t get involved and lamp QT then the night is ruined!

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AEW card looked like a who’s who of indie cowboys. They really don’t know how to build stars.


I think AEW made a big mistake a few years ago when the size of their roster ballooned out of control.

They should have kept a small core of performers audiences could have really got to know as AEW stars.

They had a very small number of ex-WWE performers at first too. Now they’ve got loads. It doesn’t help them to build a distinct brand. Now it feels like AEW is what you do when your WWE ambitions expire.