
The defining moment of that match was Linda kicking Vince in the balls giving him what he deserved, Shane had feck all to do with that match except win it. Some nice spots though I’ll give him that.

Coast to coast. I can’t recall that happening in a match before (but I’ll happily stand corrected).

It was a fantastic spot :ok_hand:

No criticism of him for the storyline but he certainly didn’t do anything to rescue it or increase PPV buys and he was featured on all of them.

Not sure what you mean by ‘weak’ but. He didn’t go down without trying, the heel turn sucked but it was necessary. If Shane/Stephanie was still the central figures post Invasion PPV it most definitely would’ve been worse. In the Survivor Series match all the WWF team took turns giving him finishers FFS :joy: all he was good for is getting beaten up.

I’ve erased this from memory (apart from Angle doing a double-turn)

That survivor series 5 v 5 match is among the best 3 matches of its type there has ever been, irrespective of the terrible storyline.


Man that weak Stone Cold! Carrying a promo for 15minutes.

Let’s just imagine Shane McMahon doing this. No chance.

There were two better than this in Survivor Series 2003 alone

(Although I get it’s all about opinion)

Some of Stone Colds best mic work took place during his heel run.

I think Austin’s heel run suffered because of the Rock and HHH’s absence. They didn’t have any top baby faces to bring the best out of Austin.


Compare early 2001 Stone Cold to that one.

Royal Rumble winner, 3 stages of Hell and then that match with The Rock at Mania.

Beating up Tazz just doesn’t do it for me.

Good point.

Bro if that was Stone Cold at his weakest, then I’d dread to think some of those guys at their best. Given they’d still be nowhere close.

Is Shane pulling that off?

You’re actually comparing Stone Cold to Shane lol

Going back to the original argument, Stone Cold gets an almighty pop if he joins anywhere other than WWE (probably more than any other wrestler)

He was jokes :joy: some might contest he was burying these guys. But bollocks, it was great.

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Dave my guy my argument about the WCW invasion is that Shane was a central figure and didn’t improve the product, he wasn’t some legendary guy. He was a jobber. You said Stone Cold was ‘weak’ as an counter argument. If Stone Cold didn’t turn the angle would’ve been worse.

The one with Austin’s career on the line was the other one I had in mind when I made that post.

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‘Rhynoooo, gore that son of the bitch to hell!’

The way Rhyno hit the spear is pretty much the standard bearer for the move.

Hated Edge spear it was the weakest looking shit ever lol

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I think Rhyno’s height helped, too. His centre of gravity was perfect for delivering the ultimate spear.

Edge looked kinda gangly doing it.

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The Rock selling the Gore was superb.