
I think Ospreay will drop that international title belt to Garcia at Forbidden Door (perhaps with a Swerve intervention?)

Opens the door for the Ospreay v Swerve feud.

(I kinda think Danielson wins the Owen, though. His promo was very prescient)

They’ve already set up Swerve/Will at Forbidden Door after he won that gauntlet match thingy the other week.

I definitely think after losing to Swerve he’ll have a bit of a losing streak, drop the belt (to Garcia would be great) and then do the Owen.
Danielson and Ospreay going all the way in the Owen would make for a great final. :arteta2:

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He’s done after WrestleDream so maybe TK convinced him to win the World Championship at least once and pass it someone else at WrestleDream.

I think the dream match for Bryan at All In though is Nigel McGuinness.

Has Page returned yet? They could got that route too at All In.

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With all of Nigel’s shit talking every single time Danielson is about (often when he’s not even around too!) they have to be building towards that match.
Be interesting to see if Nigel can still go, their matches in ROH back in the day were incredible.
Danielson could probably carry me to a good match, so I’m sure they’d make it work lol .

Weren’t McGuinness diagnosed with Hep C which basically forced him into retirement?

Hep B apparently, he said in an interview that was why WWE opted not to sign him and he retired cause he didn’t want to go to TNA.

Just saw this: “Luckily for McGuinness, there is a vaccine for Hep-B (unlike it’s deadlier cousin Hepatitis C), but he spent 14-months recovering and fighting the disease. By June of 2011, TNA had waited out long enough and officially released McGuinness from his contract.” And sounds like he was then medically cleared but opted to retire shortly after recovering.

Yep, that’s Bret alright.
Gotta bing this once it finishes.


The amount of shots that will be fired at Eric Bischoff will be legendary. :joy:


Bret Hart was quite good.

Where can I watch episode 1

Do you have a firestick? Just seen the first 2 episodes of the series have been uploaded

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I don’t but GC sent me the links. Thanks though mate

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Punk spotted in Scotland, in a Celtic shop. He’s definitely screwing Drew out of the title whilst wearing a Celtic shirt isn’t he? lol

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It’s going to be awesome, to be fair :grinning:

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You finally get your wish on Raw :grinning:

They produced this really well. I read that they’re going to steer away from out and out supernatural stuff that made some of Bray’s later stuff a bit goofy, which I think makes it more sinister.

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Yea I’m digging that they’re going more realistic with it. Don’t get me wrong Bray had a really creative mind but it was something I was never really sold on.

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I think with all gimmicks that have a supernatural element, those things are best left implied for the audience. As soon as you have goofy stuff like Randy Orton coughing up gunge it gets silly.

The best bits with the Fiend came from the way Bray could use symbolism and iconography. Undertaker likewise could imply superhuman powers without having to actually show them. Far more effective than actual attempts at portraying spooky antics.

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I’ve also maintained my favourite gimmick of Bray was cult leader Bray. Like NXT/early main roster stuff. It’s just the supernatural stuff never appealed to me, the only one it worked for with me was Taker, even then, it wasn’t over the top.

My fav Taker is badass Taker anyway