What are you watching?

What are you guys talking about?
Which interview?

Prince Andrew is at the heart of the Epstein scandal. He gave an interview to BBC News in Buckingham Palace to address the accusations that he had sex with (raped) a 17-year-old trafficked American girl.


Reggie in China
Big fan of Reggie Yates style of documentaries and open minded approach to his subjects. First one tonight dealt with Shenzhen. Futuristic technological city and many fascinating and at times frightening outlook.
Good dealing with history and founding and politics that brought in to being.


Recorded it. Love Reggie’s documentary’s and his podcast is really good aswell. Will watch it tomorrow as I’m watching I’m a Celebrity haha

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Let’s not forget he gave the world Rastamouse as well. True legend.

What a disaster!

There was zero difference between before the interview and after.

Well apart from the opportunity to show some compassion to Epstein victim’s. Just basically confirmed himself the contrite cunt interested only in his own self preservation.


This is satire, isn’t it?

No, this is genuine news. Not sure why you thought it could be satire. Seems like inspired casting and a very brave decision by Spacey.


Spacey is a lunatic you could be forgiven for thinking he might have pushed for the role

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I’d watch it! :smiley:

ffs you had me believing this is true all day

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Haha I’ve posted from that site a good few times on here :grin:

Just watched the first episode of Reggie in China @Stroller. Wow Shenzhen is incredible haha

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Started Madelorian on Disney+… sooooo good.

I really wish I visited China when I was in Hong Kong. Will do it again some day.


Brothers in football.
Just watched an amazing documentary on Corinthian Casuals historic match with Corinthians of Brazil in 2014.
1 45 of clubs historic standing and founding of Brazilian club and introduction of football in that country.
The reverence and standing of the Brazilian fans was truly wonderful to see.
As someone who finds today’s game more cynical by the day, this programme made me realise that it can still be a beautiful gsme.
History gives teams a beating heart and soul for me. Day that links severed day the game dies for me.

Re-watching The Umbrella Academy again and wishing the second series was out already (apparently late next year!). I also didn’t realise but the guy that plays the contract killer called Hazel is the same guy that characterises Ed Kemper in Mind Hunter :laca2:

I’ve also started watching Blackadder on Netflix too. I remember watching tid bits as a kid but never really cottoned on to it. It’s really good.

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Big Boo’s up