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Roddy does it again. Young king.

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That’s why I love Roddy. He does it again every time. One of the best artists out there is Roddy. Been following Roddy’s career for years, its amazing how he keeps on doing it.


Well if you like Big Stepper then you’re in for a treat bc that’s really only scratching the surface, may I tentatively suggest you investigate his body of work further?


This beat bangs

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Day off. Had a couple cans of beer and listening to some music lying under the sun. Yeah I can dig this.

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Heavy papa a.k.a Mr Ugly a.k.a The Farda a.k.a the Bouff Daddy is back!!

Yes a fellow War on Drugs fan :facepunch:t2: Great band. Seen them play live twice.



@shamrockgooner @JakeyBoy

A heard this new song from Michael Kiwanuka when he played it live on the Adama Buxton podcast. I love it. So funky!

Mate. I paused the pod just after listening to that song to eat dinner and watch a hit of telly. Good tune, not the most interesting guest so far though imo haha.

Did you and @shamrockgooner listen to the previous one with Guz Khan. Loved their chemistry, it seemed like they got on really well and made each other genuinely laugh, which made it even funnier for me. I’d put it up there as being one of the really good ones (though obvs there are a lot of really good ones)

I liked it but that was partly due to finding out that he only lived/grew up not so far away from me haha. I think the two tracks he performed caught me off guard as such and maybe offered a new dimension to the podcast, which was a standout for me too.

The Guz Khan one was hilarious. The guy’s voice alone and his backstory as being a teacher was really warming. He sounds like a really likeable guy and you could tell that Adam felt that (you can feel his sheepish-introvert aura seep through sometimes). Fucking died at the end when he offered him ‘that gift’, clearly thinking or not thinking too much into why it would be such a good (not good) gift for Guz lol :joy:

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Absolutely fantastic music. I have spoken.

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New Danny Brown? And a whole album produced by Q-Tip? Yes please :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Turn on subtitles

I like the Traffic’s version but CSN’s just has something different to it.

And of course the master :guitar:

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Such an under played Hendrix track that. Had a very underated voice imo.
Castles made of sand vocal is exquisite.


Love love love this song

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