I’ve blocked half time talk. Got Dreams by Cranberries on.
Rather appropriate with them being the biggest Man City supporters or was that deliberate? .
I’ll let you decide
I think their Don’t Look Back in Anger could be apropos this season… also an amazing and perfect song.
Such a legendary band. Perhaps greatest true Rock’n Roll band ever. Their signature sound will never grow old for me.
Get the version with Sharon Shannon. So great
Going through an 80s Metallica phase, whilst my wife is away for a few days.
I had a copy of Ride the Lighting way back when it had only been out a short while, but I never really appreciated it back then.
It’s probably my favorite of their discog.
Are you not allowed to listen to it when she’s around?
She works from home and is often on calls. Then there’re the young fellas back from schoool, going to bed early…
I have a couple of turntables, one hooked up to a decent set of headphones. There are workarounds.
Get him started on the good stuff young. Never too soon to cultivate good taste in music. Some kids fall asleep to a noise machine, some kids could probably fall asleep to metal.