
Trump should go after Biden, democrats and other liberals for their role in this genocide.

They went after him for relatively lesser things, it’s only fair.

Send that demented fucker to the hague

He’s basically shitting on everyone who isn’t kissing his arse isn’t he?
No wonder the US News Networks tried to play-down Herr Musk’s salutes.

He’s scammed millions out of his supporters with his Meme Coin pump n dump scheme. He could actually go round each supporter’s house and take a shit on their doorstep and they’d still vote for him.

Though the highlight of the week was watching the video of that twat who lost his family’s USD 1.2m savings buying “shorts” on the value of Trump Coin going up only to watch its value collapse like they always do. His wife is so annoyed, she’s divorcing him.


I do lol at this. There are so many pump ‘n’ dumps that get no media attention at all :slight_smile:

Then Trump does it and people have a meltdown. Where was this anger when Logan Paul was scamming people for years.

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Bet she wishes she’d divorced him a few months ago

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I hope she hasn’t wasted too much of her young life with that loser.

He even went on Reddit to ask whether his wife can claim any remaining assets left after the bankruptcy in her divorce settlement and wasn’t pleased to find out from a lawyer that she could actually claim for more than they have left. He’ll be paying reparations for the rest of his life.

It’s not quite the same though is it

Not at all really

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“But what about…”

Logan Paul isn’t the commander in chief of the worlds most powerful military.


Ive seen plenty of anger over Pauls scams. Is your complaint why CNN didn’t report it or…?


There was definitely outrage over Logan Paul’s scams. The real problem is people (or rather those interested in influencers) seem to forget everything that happened 5 minutes ago thus it’s business as usual.

This extends to many influencers and content creators.


To be fair, my wife is pretty clued-up on the news and she’d never heard of Logan Paul and his scams. It got very little coverage, if any, in the UK in “legacy media”.

lsn’t that Prime junk his product? Yet another dodgy sponsorship for the Arsenal that’s going to age badly.

Anyway, enough of that mullet-haired twat and back to Herr Trump, or to use his soon to be announced title “Führer des Amerikaner Dritte Reiches und Volkes”. Or the “Fat Fascist” if you want a punchier insult.


That drink tastes fucking rancid.


Sorry, it boils my piss that my grandparents risked their lives to defeat the Nazis but now being fascist is being sold as the patriotic movement.

How the fuck did we get here? Why the fuck didn’t those in the centre and left spot this coming 10 years ago and call it out then?

I tried but was “being paranoid” and “doomy”, fast forward to 2025 and I walk into my sister’s 17th century house (She’s a top executive at a worldwide bank, I decided to have fun instead) and she’s watching GB fucking “News”.

Right, time to roll one and chill. As you were.


I did taste one flavour that I thought was actually quite nice.

But isn’t it sold as a health product? Or something that people who exercise should consume?

Trump is in a category of his own when it comes to politics because he doesn’t seem to have any ideology and is just a reactionary narcissist.

He’s similar to Boris in that they both had rich parents who sent them to private schools and both are habitual liars who are used to getting their own way.

But despite an obvious lack of intelligence they’ve both risen to the top of politics by lying and never admitting when they’re wrong although when they’re caught out, Boris will act the buffoon and Trump will get aggressive.


The JFK files just got declassified :slight_smile:

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MLK as well.

I’m quite intrigued.

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I wonder what the motive is? Is Trump genuine about government transparency or is his indulging “deep state” conspiracy theorists?

There really isn’t any good reason why those materials weren’t fully declassified ages ago.

I think Trump should pardon Snowden…

Well he wanted to do it during his first term, but was convinced not to. Now I don’t think he gives a shit.

I also don’t think it’s going to be the smoking gun people hope it will be.

I think he would reject a pardon from Trump.

What makes you think that