Thomas Partey (5)

I don’t see why someone should be suspended or docked pay until there’s a guilty verdict confirmation.


Well exactly, if the police deem him safe enough to be in the streets on bail then what the fuck should Arsenal do?

Ridiculous for anyone to be complaining that the club have not acted based on the current information. They have even less than the police.

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Twitterazzi are going mental. Apparently we should be relegated lol


If he’s done what he’s accused of then he can get fucked.

Wouldn’t surprise me if we see a surprise exit this month rather than the summer in light of this news.

How would things work with any case if he’s playing abroad somewhere?

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If it is Partey, he should have been suspended with pay ages ago

It’s obviously Partey lol but how are you gonna get that one to work? If anything, it’s probably advisable to carry on as usual as a suspension is likely to greatly influence the legal process due to his significant (and the club’s) public profile.

How would the club officially know it’s Partey?

Suspension with pay is an entirely neutral action that does not create a negative inference or prejudice against someone subject to criminal investigation or prosecution.

@Trion There’s terms in his contract that require disclosure of information as it relates to civil and criminal complaints. At a point the player was subject to bail conditions which can restrict movement

No, it isn’t. Once it happens, it’ll be public and people will potentially be influenced in the way they perceive him prior to any potential trial.

It’s not a neutral action at all lol


For what? Suspended for being accused?

Said all along, when the police charge him then you can talk about suspension pending trial outcome.


If it is Partey, the backlash on the club will be huge. It will be interesting to see how Arsenal play this out because usually the club are extremely cautious when it comes to PR.

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Ffs this story again, thought it was behind us

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Hold up city and their handling of the Mendy case as example. Innocent until proven guilty.


Given the severity of the criminal complaints against the player and the nature of the ongoing police/CPS investigation a suspension is appropriate and necessary.

I get football fans are tribal but it should be kinda obvious why you can’t have someone accused of rape, subject to active investigation and bail conditions being treated if these factors don’t exist.

People are naturally going to be pissed it appears the club is prioritising meaningless sports points over the well being of victims or the general safety of women.

Apply the same scenario to any other serious crime and the need to suspend would be self evident. Again suspension with pay is normal when there are professional, civil or criminal complaints against someone.

This is where we fundamentally disagree then. I don’t think this way and I know plenty of companies where that is not the case, I like that Arsenal have taken the approach they have while the police are not even in a position to charge him.

Why should Arsenal almost condemn him before the people running the investigation have? Is it because of the nature of the allegations for you?

  1. Stage 1 - Anybody can be accused of anything with a small amount of potential evidence, the police have to play safe in that regard.
  2. Stage 2 - Police (CPS) take the case forward with a charge based on having, in their view, enough evidence for conviction. This is where for me things get serious, they won’t take this action lightly and therefore in my view it’s appropriate for suspension.
  3. Stage 3 - Trial and potential conviction. Obviously at this point everyone would agree with Arsenal releasing him (probably no choice anyway) if convicted.

I’m surprised that people would be fine with suspension at stage 1 but it is what it is.


Yeah, I see this not much differently to the Sam Altman situation. People calling him to resign amongst other things, when there is zero evidence brought forward till now.

Let the legal system and police handle it, and then when the verdict is here, then the company that employs the suspect (Arsenal in this case) can act as required.

I’m ngl, seeing him play for us after this comes out leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.

Of course innocent until proven guilty so let’s see. i will hold my hands up if he is found innocent.

But I don’t like it

well cannot be found innocent or guilty unless he is charged, which he hasnt been.

It’s been more than 2 years since the investigations started, I am no legal specialist but seems an awful long time not to charge the man if there was compelling evidence of his guilt.

I would also expect that the club would have conducted it’s own due dilligence as to the veracity of the allegations and have been privy to far more of the evidence than any one of us…


The cops are obligated to submit a file having done the investigation.

We don’t know whats in the file, we don’t know what the CPS prosecutor reading it will think.

Extremely prejudicial of you to condemn a completely innocent family man who has done absolutely nothing wrong. That’s madness.

Bad taste why? You like seeing innocent people punished? If you do, then that’s just really weird and the definition of evil.

The club is doing the right thing especially after the Mendy boondoggle.

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