The weather

Cleaner than the real thing

81 percent humidity today. Its like walking about in an oven :disappointed_relieved:

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98 here. Thankful for the bit of rain we’ve had


Fuck sake! :joy:

The UK and Ireland humidity levels are unmatched.

People laugh about our moans until they experience it for themselves :joy:


My brother is in crete right now. Its 35 currently but only 57 percent humidity.

We have the worst of both worlds :joy:

I’m in the process of moving from Atlanta to Los Angeles, and currently staying in Traverse City, Michigan for a few weeks with my in-laws.

Fantastic weather here, and we’re right on the lake. Much cooler, and less humidity compared to Georgia. It’s so nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy coffee, catch up with Arsenal news, and not get eaten alive by a zillion bugs.

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Does that mean everyone in Scotland will be defrosted by the end of the weekend? :rofl:

Been a burner here, too. All week it’s been 31 to 33 (~73% humidity) and they’re talking 37 by next Tuesday. Forest fire smoke blowing in from Northern Alberta and B.C. becoming a bit nasty now, as well.

Here’s my annual look how hot it is where I am report .

Nice, low humidity too which is a bonus. What does it go down to in Winter where you are?

Although I’m in the mountains zero degrees in the winter and no snow for many years say the locals.
But looking out the window you can see the next mountain range and plenty snow there.

You are very lucky to be where you are then. The UK sucks in so many ways, 12 months of Autumn for example.

Some “global warming” this

You do know what the word global means right :slight_smile:


With due respect to everyone else I thought we would share the warmth sham


It’s a shame it doesn’t work like that, I’ve had my most painful summer ever due to the cooler weather and I’m in the South East which did at least get a good August.

On Global Warming, sadly, to quote Dr Ben Goldacre, I think you’ll find it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Thoughts turn to you Gooners in Florida and Georgia. This looks like it may not be the strongest of hurricanes (though some models still hint at a Cat 5, some go for a more eastern route up to South Carolina too) but it will cause various forms of problems before and after it’s made landfall.

Devastating stuff. More than forty dead. Given that Florida gets two or three of these storms annually, why do people continue to live there?

I wonder the same about the UK on mornings like this.

If anyone can get me a dodgy EU passport, I’ve got €80 in my holiday money box.

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I think the going rate is €1000

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