U.S. Politics

Aye, but with anything like this - it’s the people behind the throne they need to take seriously. If they were serious and wanted to take this to a real conflict, Biden would be powerless.

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One thing I’ve learnt over the last couple of years as my understanding of geopolitics has grown slightly is that peace in the world is not as secure as we think.

Just look around, the world is full aggressive strongmen who disregard international laws and human rights and they’re getting more brazen.

The west has lost focus and we’ve lost the will to take action against these madmen, the only thing that keeps us on top is our economic supremacy and industrial capacity but we’re slowing dismantling it whilst our culture continues to decline


As a society, does the West even have what it takes to fight a Cold War against these countries let alone a real one? There’s so much infighting and instability within our own society that perhaps a Cold War would be over before it even begun. :joy:

We live in interesting times, that’s far darn sure - if nothing else is.


What do you mean by this?

Morally and culturally I think the west has declined across many areas. The worse for affected areas for me are the state of public discourse, community and family but there are more issues in terms of wider policy.

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Ah, the other day when prostitution came up you were talking about the moral decline of Western Society. I never really had you pegged as being so socially Conservative but it seems like that might be coming out a bit more lately :grin:

Each to their own, I’m not criticising.

But I asked you what you meant by the continual decline of our culture, so I’m not much clearer on what that means from your reply or how this factors into your view that global peace is not so secure as we might have previously thought. For example, the state of public discourse, what about it? How is that hurting society? Does it compare poorly to public discourse in China, for instance?

Fair enough if you cba to elaborate btw lol

Don’t you find it troubling how easily fake news destabilised the US? The supposed leader of the free world and example democracy? Surely in a society where people are free and have access to more information than ever before, we should be able to have sensible debates based on objective facts?

It factors into global peace because it’s very concerning our economic and ideological enemies know the injecting internal chaos is the most effective way to bring the US down, using our values against us. I focus on the US because your/mine/our safety is very much dependant on them.

Social media has cheapened serious political discussion and caused politicians to embrace intellectual dishonesty and performative theatre more so than ever and to a greater extent.

The print and broadcast media have lost alot of basic credibility because their own standards in reporting have declined, The damage of the 24hr news cycle is well known. We’ve never seen this level of polarization and partisanship since the 60’s

Similar issues are seen on social media where we allow two conglomerates to control the public square and stifle free speech as they please. We’re seeing similar trends from governments in relation to protest and speech too

No, it doesn’t but China should not form the basis of any comparison. It’s idealism but we as a society should strive to improve the condition of public discourse within ourselves, being better than the worse isn’t a prize


I assumed that China would be one of, if not the, opponent in this possible war that you/we were discussing. That’s why I mentioned them.


My questions weren’t (intentionally) pointed to indicate disagreement necessarily, I was asking questions because I wanted to better understand what you’re saying here. So thanks for explaining. I agree that the things youve said about public discourse in your latest post are concerning.


This is a really good pledge, and more than the mealy mouthed stuff from other countries.

Here in Washington State we banned the sale of petrol cars after 2030. States are starting to take this into their own hands. The federal government can’t be trusted anymore because the fate of the future has taken a back seat to political posturing and a false political duopoly. Most people are focusing on what they can do in their own backyards now. The problem is petro-dollar states like Texas, Oklahoma and Wyoming are never going to back down from it. It’s going to take the rest of us no longer supporting their petroleum addiction.


I think we did the same here and it only relates to new cars. There will still be plenty of petrol stations in 2050. It’s a really slow burn.

I was thinking of going electric, I’ve driven less than a thousand KM this year so far, but I bought the car new in 2018 and honestly I’d be doing more damage by buying another new electric car than I would just keeping this another 10 years until it really needs replacing.

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Just another day in America.


That whole family are a scourge upon society.

Kanye running for President, Caitlyn Jenner running for governor (everyone forgets that she killed a man when she was a he) - it’s all just ridiculous self-aggrandising ego-wanking for the purpose of self-promotion and brand building.

As if Jenner is in anyway qualified or capable of governing the 11th largest economy in the world or even being taken seriously for that matter.

But then I guess this is the state that voted not one but TWO Hollywood b-movie stars as governor in the past.



And a reality TV host and national clown for president!

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Kylie Jenner being described as a self made billionaire is the one that grates me. I mean, fair play on a successful business, but let’s not pretend she didn’t have a leg up.


Yeah, shame on the Dems for putting him up, tbh.

Kanye vs The Rock #2024

I reckon it’ll be Kamala v Trump with Trump to win because Kamala’s terrible at running a campaign

U.S. political theater is inching closer and closer to Mike Judge’s classic 2006 movie “Idiocracy”.

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Think we hit it already

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