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Some of the thoughts he expressed had strong parallels to Black injustice (Kill any black person = Lynching, identification of the culprit based purely on race = racial profiling).

The reactions seem justified to me.

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In this manner basically every controversial statement about black people in context like these can be linked to past events and these comments canā€™t (at this point Iā€™m convinced they shouldnā€™tā€¦) really be made, period?

No, but those specific comments can be.

Itā€™s good that Liam Neeson recognises the foolishness of seeking revenge, and is perhaps right to link it to his background, but itā€™s still baffling that he would seek out black men on mass, unless he was already at least somewhat racist or prone to stereotype. He didnā€™t even say for example that he was looking for a particular stereotype of black man, it was just ā€˜black bastardā€™ full stop. He also acknowledged the folly of revenge but said nothing about the racism in his actions.

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Actually, he can say it as much as he wants, Iā€™m not sure why you think he canā€™t

The problem comes in that in his quotes he didnā€™t make any connection to racism in his comments, only violence which he felt ā€˜ashamedā€™ of. This might be satisfactory for those who rather racism be swept under the rug, but for those of which racism is an issue it really canā€™t be.

It comes down to understanding racism, people showing how theyā€™ve changed is an positive, but I donā€™t see any reconciliation that in his rage he was going to (potentially) commit a racial injustice based on absolutely nothing description. The very idea of that he was going to kill any black person who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time through no fault of their own is honestly really damn scary,

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Itā€™s like American History X. In real life

Herein lies the issue for me.

It was troubling that he had thought that, but when he realised that was the wrong thing to do, I thought it was over?

No need to crucify him but also no need to defend him overly much no?


He thought killing someone was the wrong thing to do but doesnā€™t seem to have been able to acknowledge that his racism is very serious and concerning

The irony that he played Oscar Schindler. The least racist individual in a society plagued by racism

Hmm, it obviously was so that is a bit troubling.

Doubt he will admit it though.

Racist cunt !!


Realised it was the wrong thing to do after a week. And didnt just think it, he spent a whole week trying to actually make it happen. He may not have actually done it, but there are actions here and not just thoughts.

For what its worth, I just came here to post funny memes. I think its an appalling thing, hut the fact that he voluntarily spoke about it and seems to have grown a lot since then, Iā€™m not making efforts to castigate him and be outraged.

Still waiiting on @SDGooner to come back and explain how the meme misrepresented his comments and why he started bringing up genocide

The memes were funny lol

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I found the memes funny too, I donā€™t even care about the guy, I was just explaining what issues people had with his comments.

Keep in mind in the U.S (& Canada) it is Black History Month now, so Iā€™m sure the comments are going to be less receptive when Black people are recalling sacrifices made to pave their path.

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I felt like the memes are posted in such a manner than Neeson woke up one day and decided to kill black people. Without any context of the story he gave. But what at the end of the day is what he really thought to do. Thatā€™s why I said I might have misread his comments. The genocide thing was brought up because how Craigie put that he basically wanted to kill every black person. What was again something I didnā€™t get from the interview.

Iā€™m going to have to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

Itā€™s just my interpretation of course, but the fact he mentions all the stuff about race makes me think heā€™s acknowledging that all of it was shameful and ridiculous on his part.

  1. Its a meme, you cant fit the entire context in of why he wanted to kill a random black person. You can only find the meme funny if you already know what the context is, otherwise it makes no sense, so the context doesnt need to be included. In future Iā€™ll only post memes that contain full transcripts.

  2. Craigie didnt make out he wanted to kill every black person. He said ā€œanyone of that raceā€, not ā€œeveryone of that raceā€. Hence my utter bemusement at you bringing up genocide.

Got one for ya @SDGooner. It isnā€™t hugely funny but thereā€™s a shitload of context, should be right up your street


Iā€™m always hesitant to go into details with my opinions around racist events because you have to be extremely particular with your words at the peril of being misconstrued.

But what I will say is that I have no time for racists and when you take a moment to think about what he confessed to itā€™s pretty damn scary

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