General News

Surely this drone business at Gatwick is more sinister than a prankster? Whoever it is has brought the second largest airport to a complete standstill. I just can’t see it being some stranger who was bored


With growing popularity of drones, it will lead to cheaper drones.
We will soon need anti drone equipments or licensed usage of drones

I think drones are stupid, they shouldn’t be legal. I mean any psycho could strap a bomb to one and do a lot of dmg.

And if you common americans get hold of it, kids will die

Do you think RC planes, helicoptors & boats should also be illegal? Seeing as they could also be used for the same reason.

BAN THEM ALL. Except boats. ezgif-3-460f3c009a32

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RIP big man :wenger2:


What a man

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2 days after my girlfriend and her best friend got back from Morocco (having visited the Atlas mountains, albeit with a guide) the above happened. It’s crazy because me and her family told her to be careful and we weren’t crazy about them going but they had a great time and we thought it was great and then literally this happens at the same time. I don’t think it’s really made the news in the UK, but it was absolutely huge news in Scandinavia.

What made it worse was that the guys who did it made a video of the girls being beheaded (and from what I could understand the weren’t wearing pants in it either) which was so gruesome that the Danish and Norwegian intelligence services scrubbed the internet of the video. It was banned on Reddit (/r/watchpeopledie) and LiveLeak, it’s only kicking about on some of the darker, fringe sites for this stuff. Didn’t help that people tracked down their families on Facebook and sent the videos to parents and siblings.

Really nasty business this and I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Danish public so outraged about anything in a long, long time and this has gone a long to stoking even more anti-Islamic sentiment in Denmark now.

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Wtf there is a sub to watch people die? :neutral_face: What is wrong with people

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Good question dude, good question.

Why weren’t you crazy about them going to Morocco? Outside of this incident, how often is Morocco in the news for this kind of stuff ?

Probably the same mentality that people had when they would look forward to going to watch the executions.

And Morocco is cool. They have some bangin’ hashish :slight_smile:

Being a parent nowadays you always fear the worst. I know it’s not the perspective of Cristo but I would be concerned too. Going to a foreign country that has had terrorist attacks before. Fuck I’m scared to go to a concert or even a bar/crowded place here in America atm considering some whacko could be planning to shoot everyone there. I traveled to Indonesia like 10 years ago, I would worry a lot if my son went out there alone, and that’s just because of the constant natural disasters/tsunamis they keep having. Lol I’ve turned into my parents smh :joy::joy:

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Do you know what kind of stuff goes on in the deep web?

Shits crazy. People are capable of some gruesome things.

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Nope. Would rather not think about it and remain oblivious :innocent:


A while back I remember a Facebook live video of someone shooting someone dead in a car and I just clicked and watched it, and then had a serious think about why the hell I’d decided to watch that without giving it a second thought.

Because I am generally totally averse to that kind of voyeuristic, deeply dark shit. And didn’t much like myself for viewing that video


If I’m completely the honest, the idea of a blonde white American girl travelling to a conservative Muslim country made me very wary exactly because of a scenario like this. I’m sure if I’d been travelling with her and her friend I wouldn’t have been as uneasy.

I’ve had friends and family travel to Morocco and Egypt and experience cat-calling and light harassment so the idea of two pretty white girls travelling there just made me a bit uncomfortable. Especially since my girlfriend can be a bit loud as an American.

Obviously having two Scandinavian girls get raped and decapitated overlap with my girlfriend being there freaked me out.

That said they had a wonderful time in Marrakesh and the Medina and have nothing but great things to say about it, but they did tend to stay within the Medina for most of the trip as they said they felt the jeers and cat-calls were more aggressive outside of it and they felt significantly more vulnerable moving around outside the old town.

There is documentary on Netflix called Evil Genius about a 2003 bank heist. The guy involved – Brian Wells – has a bomb strapped to him and they show him begging for someone to help him get it off as it’s on a timer, and then they show the actual real footage of him being blown up and his dead body laying in the road with no warning whatsoever. Think it received quite a few complaints.

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