General News

It would do when I’m told I’m wrong and i am I accept and if I don’t know I looking into it as you are supposed to.

This is an example of false equivalence. There is 2 right wings in America. But the furthest right is 100% based on misinformation. On fact checking sites Trump is ranked as the highest liar. In terms of lying no one lies as much as The Republicans. I mean who lies about fictional election fraud in the same way?

Lol sure buddy I’m not going to engage on that


Sorry lad, is that a dick hanging off your forehead there? Do the left wing claim all of the other opposing politicans are Pedos? Because what the right do, ie Q Anon



Let’s cool it, chaps. It’s a Sunday, after all :blush:


Fantastic reaching there lad fair play to you.

@arsenescoatmaker you after another ban?

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Hello Shamrock, the right wing, via Q Anon, in America claim the whole of the Democratic party are pedos, do you agree with this notion?

I think Spanky laughed at your claim that left wing doesn’t live off lies, which is laughable claim to be honest

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There’s no q anon members here last I checked. So stop throwing that around as if people here think and are propagating that line of thought.

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If you follow American politics, his claim is laughable. The extreme right claim the election was stolent, they claim all of the opposition are pedos, they claim a right party is communist. About 25% of Republicans believe the people who went to try and overthrow the election and execute the Republican Vice President were in the right.

How does the left wing lie anywhere near that amount? To pretent it’s anywhere close is insane

What the Hell is Q anon?

Edit: Never mind @shamrockgooner

:joy::rofl: can’t believe this is actually a real thing


Q Anon is the widely accepted right wing of American politics and according to @SpankyJoyJoy claiming every opposing party member is a pedo is the same in being politically dishonest across the political spectrum

Looks like your a Spuds fan

C’mon pal, let’s not say things we can’t take back.


Yea if he’d actually done that, sure. But he didn’t. So drop it.

He laughed at the fact dishonesty was the same between right and left political right spectrum. I’m pointing out how it is different and if @SpankyJoyJoy is stupid enough to not know the wacky right in the US claim all Dems are Pedos and think the lying is equal, then unfortunately he’s very much ignorant.