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Peter Sutcliffe is dead. Good week this.

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Almost as crazy as the man himself was ā€˜Wereside Jackā€™ who pretended to be the Yorkshire Ripper in audio tapes. A quick google shows they eventually caught him from his DNA in 2006 and gave him 8 years

Yeah a right prick him. Badly handled case at times. Very scary time for females in that area at the time.

My mum used to walk home around one of the areas it happened.

Sutcliffe was frequently visited by Jimmy Saville and 2 of the victims were found near Savilleā€™s flat.

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I can remember Leeds fans chanting his name.

He should have been hanged in 81ā€™

The daily racist at it again

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Iā€™m 23. I came from little. I need to protect not just my future but my familyā€™s too.

Why caveat your investments like this lol

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Why not?

Because itā€™s disingenuous, imo.

If that kinda statement came from a multimillionaire involved in any sector theyā€™d be slapped down for talking pure BS.

I donā€™t think Rashford or his family are going to find themselves on the breadline any time soon. If you havenā€™t got an issue with it thatā€™s fine too, agree to disagree


40 percent of former Premier League players go bankrupt :eyes:. Iā€™m sure Rashford is smarter than most of those guys (hence the investments), but letā€™s not act they donā€™t have to think of other income outside of/after football.


Who is acting like this? I have zero issue with footballers investing and sound fiscal management but on the same hand donā€™t act you need to ā€œprotectā€ you and your family with million pound real estate investments whilst collecting Ā£200k p/w at 23 years old.

Itā€™s fakeness imo, designed to obtain sympathy.

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Id imagine itā€™s more to counter act the perceived slur from the report.
Classic Daily Mail deflecting the issue at hand.

Is it not clear to most people his investments have nothing to do with his campaigning?

Itā€™s silly and a bit tone deaf to caveat your business dealings with some narrative about protecting your family when you have more wealth that 99.9% of people in this country. If that statement came from any other multimillionaire it would come across as stupid but I guess Rashford is a popular footballer you canā€™t highlight that?


I know what your getting at here and agree with the broad context your going with.
I often think football and footballers comprise peopleā€™s thought processes at times.
Have major battles with myself at times on this. Can be debating homelessness in one thread and jumping to another wanting 60 million spent on a rival player.


I donā€™t see it that way, heā€™s just stating his motivation. Now whether his reasoning holds up is up for debate but I donā€™t see anything wrong with him defending himself.


If itā€™s not ā€˜protectingā€™ (if the 200k p/w payments end) his wealth than what is it? Greed?

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Depends on your own viewpoint. Some people might see it as greed, some might not. Iā€™m a cynic, I donā€™t just donā€™t like disingenuous arguments

In your opinion itā€™s disingenuous.


Or maybe when he says ā€œprotectā€ he means he wants to protect his ability to live a certain lifestyle which requires millions?