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TBF you should transit your younger children too and from school unless you’re paying for a child minder to do it.

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Why don’t you respect his freedom of speech?

I’m not gonna read a 22 page pdf. Which part do you think backs up your claims about child abuse?

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It wasn’t the book itself, as far as I know. They simply said they didn’t want to help support the author by selling it.

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I do respect freedom speech; however @NeedCoffee and people like him aren’t cordial at all, it makes you not want to engage at all.

Changes being proposed. It even discusses the removal a 17 year from her parents after they refused to have transition.

Things happening in our schools already. ( I know it’s the daily mail).

Yeah but that is in America. Maybe you should leave American matters to Americans.

Unless of course, it turns out you’ve been totally full of shit on Erdoğan all this time.

The second article highlighted some of the issues already in our country.

it contains a bunch of unsubstantiated claims from ONE teacher (again it’s very long i’m not reading it all). Including this which is absolute horseshit on so many levels.

The teacher, who has her own child, also believes many of those who say they are the wrong sex are simply gay but would face bullying if they were to ‘come out’. By contrast, she says, transgender children at the school are idolised by other pupils.

You said parents who don’t support this can be accused of child abuse. I assume you still have zero evidence of this actually happeneing?

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Why do you guys bother get in to these debates :man_shrugging:t5:. It is already clear most of OA are very progressive and are entrenched in they world view. It’s pretty no one is going to give an inch or try to look at any subject from a different point of view. It sort of reflects the real world where if you don’t hold a set of beliefs or world view you get shut down, shouted down or call a ist or a phobe​:man_facepalming:t5:. After reading “1984” I can say we are matching to that sort of dystopian reality willing. When you can serve 2years in jail for saying a man is not a woman on the internet because it might offended someone. To give some more rights means you have to erode others rights away. There will never be equality like the virtuous are trying to achieve. Again pointless having this conversations on here because it goes nowhere

None of that has happened here though. He’s espousing his views, we are espousing ours and when he’s making wild claims he’s being asked for evidence.

If i gave anecdotal evidence; for instance my partner works in a primary school , she told me part of the teachers and teaching assistant train told them that it clsssed as child abuse, and that they should report it.
And I am pretty sure she isn’t the only person that has told me this.

It wouldn’t matter to you because it doesn’t fit the tolerance narrative.

In a previous discussion about this issue I’ve said I support the idea that transition only once a person has reached adult age is something I think makes sense. So you don’t even know what my stance is.

You made what I view as a ridiculous claim and I’ve asked you to back it up. You clearly can’t.

Dont act like you fucking aren’t too.

Or am I talking to a “free thinker”?

Congratulations mate, we all did that when we were sixteen

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Mate you need to relax not all of us had the opportunity or privilege. But since you want to take that condescending tone it seems you guys are taking personally. But whatever who cares as you are

…to read 1984? Were you raised in some cult that didn’t allow literature? :stuck_out_tongue:


For me, if you expose children to the notion that gender is fluid, then it runs the risk of creating a kind of zeitgeist, i.e. if a child is paranoid, depressed, lonely, confused etc. there will be some who make an error, and the error includes the possibility of surgery which is irreversible. In that sense, for every child it helps, there is a risk that others will be abused. I don’t think that primary school teaching will particularly do this as it will be far too vague in content, but further up the school on a long enough time-frame of moving in this direction it will happen. If it could be reasonably proved that gender is fluid then it would be a risk potentially worth taking, but right now the evidence is weak.

This is still basically censorship. Are we talking about Jordon Peterson? If so, his 12 rules to life, is no doubt a pile of horseshit, but it’s basically a self help book. Every right to be in a bookshop considering his profile.

It’s not a bad book at all.

No. It doesn’t even come close to censorship. It’s a private organization deciding not to carry an author’s book. No one is banning his book. He is free to sell it to anyone he likes. He just can’t do it at this bookstore. The bookstore has every right to say, no we won’t sell your book.

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Am I the only one who doesn’t mind Jordan Peterson?

Yeah he spouts some weird things like lobster experiment and can be very biased on the conservative side but for most parts he makes sense.

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