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Tbh childrens television is very good at introducing these things now. Also top kids authors do great stuff introducing a lot of this.
Ive had kids in different eras and the progress has been quite exceptional tbh now.

There far more inorganic cases that derives from mental issues such as trauma and anxiety.

Right now people are trying to flip everything on its head for 0.3% of the population.

Literally a DVD or a talk during a PSE class. Whenever those start, I’ve forgotten.

‘Some of you will have a mum and a dad, and some of you may have 2 dad’s, or 2 mums.’

And that’s normal. Be nice about everyone. Simple.

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Then the contradiction for kids that have been taught, kids are born from a mum and dad.

It tricky subject regardless.

It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!


Well yeah but then you introduce religion and start talking about immaculate conceptions.

That’s just the science bit. There’s plenty of room to teach that alongside the reality of family composition.

Well yes, it’s basic parenting to teach a child about sex and sexual predators. A child can start puberty from as early as 8 anyway, although the average is 11. Children most susceptible to grooming are ones where the parents haven’t educated them about sex.

Do you have any evidence for that? I’ve never heard that before.

Seems plausible though.

I would disagree. I knew what my sexuality was in primary school, luckily it was heterosexual so there was nothing for me to struggle with, no stigma for me to contend with.

If a child of that age has the same realisation of their sexuality, but it isn’t heterosexual, that can present some real problems.

Which is why I would contest your statement that it shouldn’t start until secondary school.

Just like I think it is sensible to have some primary school PSHRE (or whatever it is called these days) lessons focusing on race, religion etc and how we’re all equal and should be treated as such, it is absolutely appropriate to do the same with sexuality. You don’t talk about who does what with their genitals, it’s just about making it clear that some people have a mum and dad, some have two dads, two mums, some people just have a mum, some people might be raised by gran and granddad.

When they’re pre pubescent just keep it simple and teach kids that there is no right or wrong composition of a family.

Besides, some people start hitting puberty towards the end of primary school, so it’s hard to argue that they shouldn’t be taught anything to do with sex or sexuality. I’d seen bits of porn by that age too, so it would probably be worth having some sensible education about it, cos many kids won’t get that at home. So if they don’t get it at home, or at school, it’ll be from friends and the Internet, which is evidently potentially harmful.

I remember my sex education in primary school (Year 6) literally being a DVD explaining the basics of how people have sex, I don’t how this can’t be replicated for other stuff, it doesn’t need to be super in-depth, just surface knowledge of others existence.

Mate sent me this, made me do an awkward chuckle


My sex education was a faded copy of Penthouse that me and my mate found in the woods.


Just say they might have been adopted i guess? But then they might be bullied about that I guess you’re right.

Kids can be very mean spirited lol

Same; everyone was grossed out by it.

Don’t any of you cunts have work to do?

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It wasn’t faded when me and my mates read it.
We left it in the woods for future generations to get their sex education from it.
I remember there were several pages that were so educational they got stuck together. :grinning:


Why were they on the tracks in the first place? :thinking:

Were they any skin colour other than cream/ivory/alabaster? Yes? Then terrorism