
Suprise suprise !!

Same. Im a coke guy once or twice a year. Sadly the quality here in Denmark and Europe in general is absolutely horsecrap and you should be lucky to find a 40% pure coke.

Next on my list is shrooms, but im still too pussy to try it. A friend of mine tells that they can really fuck with your mind permanently if you are not in the right mental state when taking them.


General rule of thumb is, don’t do psychedelics if:

  • you are afraid of them
  • are someone who needs to be in control (because trust me, you won’t be at all)
  • are in a poor mental health state: depressed, sad etc.

Other then that.

Let’s go :unicorn: :unicorn: :unicorn:

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[quote=“Forever, post:23, topic:4918, full:true”]

Does Arsenal depression count?

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Nobody’s being a fucking pussy saying no to drugs.


Definitely don’t do psychedelics while Arteta and co are at the helm of Arsenal. :slight_smile:

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I eat weed gummies every so often and really enjoy them. My tolerance isn’t high, I rarely have more than 10 milligrams but the high is a lot more mellow than smoking that’s for sure. I really hate smoking weed I have to admit, but I also just hate smoking in general and for the most part I like edibles as a sleep aid/relaxant. They make me anti-social in the sense I just want to chill and don’t really want to party or talk.

Alcohol I consume a lot of, too much I’d say. Interestingly I’ve started drinking more as I get older, but I think it boils down to me being a very socialable chap and enjoying having a drink with my friends a few times a week. I don’t drink at home as much as I was earlier this year or last year which is nice and I think that’s as a result of lockdown easing and being able to socialise more again.

I’ve done MDMA a couple times about 8-9 years ago but didn’t love it, and have done coke a few times a while back as well but again didn’t really see what all the fuss was about. It was fun but didn’t feel much different to taking Gym Pre-Workout caffeine stimulants, definitely not something I’ve ever done or will do regularly - I’ve never bought drugs, it’s always just been if friends offered me a line etc.

Ket, Heroin, Mushrooms, LSD, Meth, Crack etc. I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot barge pole. I’ve heard too many stories about friends in Ket-Holes or on bad psychedelic trips and I just know I wouldn’t react well to it.


Either your mates get utterly appalling gear or there are millions of people around the world wasting huge amounts on coke when they could instead rack up lines of gym supplements in the pub bogs on a Friday night lol


I have yet to meet someone who didn’t turn into a massive asshole the moment they snorted coke :slight_smile:

Absolutely this. One more point I’d add to the list. Do it in company of people you like, generally makes it a much nicer trip.

I only do mushrooms with the same people. And one person always remains sober.


Vast majority of people I know who have partaken don’t suddenly become arseholes. Coke turning everyone into arseholes is a cliche imo. People who aren’t arseholes don’t suddenly become one because they did some coke. If they act like arseholes on coke it’s probably because they are a bit of an arsehole deep down lol.

Maybe I’m biased because I abhor the stuff.

Any posters that are part of the DEA:


Obviously it’s hyperbole lol

That being said I really don’t think my experiences were particularly amazing, maybe I was already too drunk when I did it as I usually only ever do it at like 2am haha






