Come to the UK. Enjoy our pogroms.
Same guys causing this put your government in power.
The state needs to have a monopoly on violence.
And also needs a monopoly on wealth generation in a way they haven’t since 1970s as all wealth generated goes to billionaires who fund this instead of paying taxes.
We have to go after them before they destroy us all
This guy is using his money to fund your and we should take it:
Enough. Instead of paying a little more tax so thing could be improved in the country he stays, he’d rather create a race war to keep money he may never spend
Perfect, these are the types of people we want to see police using force on.
Who are these guys?
Our right wing government is a natural occurence after decades of ignoring the little man’s concerns to be honest. I have been harping on about it for years.
Whether the common man’s concerns are real or imaginary is even irrelevant. What is relevant is the utter unwillingness of the establishment parties to listen to the concerns and act upon them. To discredit them, ridicule them and antagonise them even more. What do they expect, that they will get votes from them? lol.
So what happens is, parties on the fringes start filling these voids. And now we are where we are across the globe with the right rising.
Add on top of that the absolute idiocy of woke ideology infesting everything in our societies and cultures and you fast track the push back against the big tidal wave of change. And this push back isn’t just angry white men, it’s angry Muslims as well, angry Christians, angry, middle of the road people of all colour, creed and gender.
Personally, I see no other way now then to burn it all to the ground and start again.
Having said that, going by the news I read, the videos I see you guys share, the situation in the UK is much worse than in The Netherlands.
You have the homosexual Peter Thiel siding with a fringe which is rather against homosexuals, so that is interesting concept rigtht there and on the one side promoting ideas and ideology on the right spectrum and the Open Society Foundation on the other side, fundinf the other side’s ideas and ideology. Both sides which are utter trash.
I agree with Thiel regarding democracy: what democracy is there when you can vote for shit or shittier and either one of them does the bidding of the oligrachs (the lobbyists / corporations) anyway and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you or me.
Fuck them all.
@Forever watch this.
These guys are more responsible for the little man’s state than any immigrant.
It’s their greed that means manufacturing goes overseas, that wages are slashed, that there is no money for public services.
That native populations can’t have security and can’t have kids, causing a need for young bodies from elsewhere.
And these are the same people that whip up hatred so they can continue to distract and carry on feeding at the trough.
As I mentioned in my post, it’s not really about whether the concerns are real or only perceived, the fact is the establishment parties do nothing to address them or change something. So what happens is a gradual shift to the fringes of the left and the right. We see it everywhere across the world.
It’s clear billionaires through think tanks, non profit organisations and other means influence and exercise pressure to have it their ways.
I am an immigrant myself, so I can never be against other immigrants. In fact, I love open borders of the European Union and the freedom that comes with it.
But do I understand the average Dutch guy getting angry about changes to the way he lives, the society he knew and all that, yeah I do.
It’s billionaires on all sides toying with us. That’s why in the US especially its a Uniparty. They will differ on some domestic issues, throw some bones for the plebs to fight over, but the foreign ones (Israel undeniable support for decades for example) remains the same.
Its actually just one weird rich cunt.
Sure thing he is. But the sexual orientation is an interesting fact given he is on a side that generally despises his ilk. So not sure how he can reconciliate with that fact?
the dregs of society tearing up our country… it’s getting way out of hand now.
Because hes rich. And safe. And doesn’t give a shit what they do to others, won’t affect him.
Well sure, but why not be rich, be gay and support the side that is friendlier to your lifestyle? I know I would rather hang around with those people than the religious lunatics on the right side of the spectrum who low key would want to burn me at the stake for loving someone else than they want me to love.
I’d love to ask Thiel some questions about this.
I refer you back to my first post in this exchange.
And Peter Thiel is part of that. He feels more solidarity with his fellow billionaires than he does with a poor gay person.
That’s why the chairman of the reform party is an ethnic Pakistani.
The side that is friendlier to his sexual orientation (I wouldn’t describe it as his lifestyle, personally. I don’t consider my heterosexuality to be a “lifestyle”) would also like to tax the fuck out of him and improve workers’ rights, among other things. I’d suggest that’s why.
This is spot on, and it underpins what I said above.
Yeah but my point is there are billionaires on the other side of the political spectrum as well
Just offshore your billions it’s what they all
Do anyway
There is no political spectrum really I think.
No at their level.
It’s billionaires Vs the rest of us
Well in the UK’s case. They do ‘listen’, otherwise the rhetoric wouldn’t be there to get votes.
Now whether they ever intended to do something is different. Tories have taken people for a ride the last 14 years campaigning on the issue every election they’ve had little interest in fixing. Threatening the ECHR withdrawal was their next shameless attempt.
All they’ve done is help their mates which is all they’ve used the votes for.
I’m waiting for @Forever to reveal his hitherto unknown raft of relatives from the Northern working class that know everything about the situation.