Pictures of OA members

Well the US is weird.

But ok @shamrockgooner i forgive you for me misinterpreting what you said. You’re welcome.


Thank you for forgiving me for your mistake :grin:


You should thank Dolly Parton.

It’s Dolly Parton plus 1 day

Only in cities.


What is this logic?

Out government is doing a good job of making this plausible considering it takes about 6 months to get in here even for a citizen.


This popped up

You can never be too safe dude.

The NHS should be given more money by the theiving Government.

Air ambulance is a charity I believe. They work with the NHS but they’re separate

Could be wrong.

Gov should fund them


Understatement of the year and it’s only January.


I’ve just found out on tiktok that the price tag on something isn’t the actual price as you add tax when you get to the till in America :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

The fuck?

Yeah sales tax is added at the till and it always comes as a nasty little surprise.

Varies from state to state as well, some states have no sales tax.


I effing hate it when that happens. Take a little extra rather, I don’t care. don’t betray me.

Yeah, this span my head when I went to the States.

Much prefer how it is here, and every other place I’ve ever been to lol. Tax included initially, the sum of money on the label is exactly the same as the amount I’ll pay at the checkout.


Except 90% of states pay <6% tax on sales while ours is 20%.

Just because it’s baked in earlier doesn’t make it better lol

I just said that I prefer tax on purchases be included in the stated price rather than added on later. I didn’t say one was better than the other or that the amount of tax paid is the same in each case.

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I’m not sure that’s the argument though. The argument is simply that it’s better to know exactly how much something costs before you take it to the till lol

Yeah fair enough, it’s like service charge in a restaurant still fucks me off when the bill comes.

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