
He is a liver German shepherd. It’s been quite tough to find a good breeder/healthy dogs during the lockdown as everyone has suddenly bought dogs.

Luckily, one of the breeders which waiting list we were put on over a year ago had a litter and here we are!


What’s his name?

GTFO with that! What a sweet face!

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Akiva. Named after a character my wife liked from a book she read.

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I had no idea you were Jewish! :arteta:

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:chester: got his name from a book too :slight_smile:

Anyone here have experience with pitbulls? (I’ve also seen them called Staffordshire terriers?)

We found one that needs a home badly. He was adopted out once a returned after his family said he tore up the house. They also left him crated for 9-12 hours a day so I’m not sure what they expected from him.

He’s so sweet. Big enough that I could put a saddle on him and ride him to work.

Staffies have a real bad rep here in the UK but the reality couldn’t be any further from their rep. My mate has one and it’s just the most perfect nanny dog. They’re just loving and gentle people pleasers that crave affection.

It’s a shame they get the rep they do because crappy human ownership is what’s more dangerous than the breeds themselves.


Hmm. Not sure I should own a dog that’s got most of my personality traits as well. :auba:

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Loving and caring dogs with a bad image thanks to millennial chavs.

That staffy smile :grin::grin::grin:

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We don’t really have a chav equivalent here I don’t think. I just know we get a fair amount of pitbull neglect cases in our office.

I guess at the core of it, it’s Probably for the same reasons here.
People either take on these dogs for breeding, have a couple of litters, make the money then want rid or they want them to look intimidating although French Bulldogs seem to be the chav dog owner/breeder dog of choice here currently.

That’s really sad. I did just learn there’s a risk our homeowners insurance will drop us if we adopt one which is bananas!

Find one who will insure you and drop them instead. Cunts.


Different breeds with similarities mate. Staffies are essentially the British version though. Both are bred for dog fighting, so can kill very quickly but are bred to be none aggressive to humans. However despite the fact they’re usually very good with kids, I wouldn’t risk them around young children because if they do snap once they’d rip the child apart and I believe you have a kid, right? They’re usually really good with children too, it’s just the risk factor in the unlikely event they snap.

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What a cool cat. They look very serious for some reason.

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Echo is on the mend from kennel cough

Bolt and echo actually don’t get on too badly these days, other than when echo tries to chase him.

Don’t leave a face mask in his reach though .


I currently have a Labrador and I’m after another puppy but the greed which has taken hold of dog breeders is just down right greed and vile . I looked at rehoming a lab from Labrador rescue but the paperwork and restrictions are simply upsetting and disappointing.
People wanting to re-home a dog are so fed up with red tape they are now adopting dogs from abroad. It’s disgusting.
My loyal lad is 11 and I can’t face life without a dog .


Rocket still hasn’t really got used to Echo despite echo being with us for 10.5 months now, such a long process.

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