New Sporting Director

Just to be clear, I was not in any way advocating this as a good move for Arsenal or one that I would support. Simply that it is a convenient link given he is looking for a new job and we have a vacancy.

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Saw somewhere today that he and Richard Garlick worked together before. Wasn’t aware of that.
Well, that could actually sway things a bit if Richard thinks highly of him.

Speak of the f’n devil.

This the same guy that has a fixation over Southgate.

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Arsenal have lost the plot if they bring this guy in. Christ alive don’t do it.

Until Ornstein says something this is just media putting 1+1 together and making a story.


I hadn’t checked this thread for a while and was astonished to open it and see we’ve offered this job to 112 candidates.

People on twitter know everything.


be frank, yes, he was the Sporting Director, but we all know Sir Ratcliffe, he oversees everything… this possibly could be a decision from Dan’s superior to hire Southgate.

He’s so strong. So mature. So strong.

The twitter bullshiter’s reports are much more fun. Just as informative.

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I cannot believe he doesn’t have the ever popular men’s name ‘Pot’ as his middle name. What the fuck?


Well, if he’s as good as what’s been said, then it’s Ay to him.

His middle name is actually Thomas.

Let’s call the whole thing off.

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uh oh…

can’t Arsenal just hire someone who actually has the credentials for the role, instead of making more nepo hires?

Love Rosicky, but what’s his track record as a DoF?


The article is free.

At the same time, what’s our track record with nepo-hires?

Seems to have been very positive on the whole to me.

Edu was a nepo-hire and look how that turned out. Give it a chance.

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Tbf I had the exact same opinion about Edu when we were appointing him. Or with Arteta lol.

Joan Garcia sounds more serious on the first glance, but you can’t rule our Rosicky seeing our most recent nepo-hire track record.

Like who?