Matteo Guendouzi

I want to believe that but I’m leaning towards that not really being the case. I think he was talented but not anything to write home about. He just really jumped off the screen because we were so turgid under Emery.


When this guy was highly rated was dark times.


Well at the time he joined Arsenal he was highly regarded as a future star. But he’s not the first young player failing to take the next step.

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Makes what we did with some of our young players seem even more impressive and what Chelsea are doing look even more risky.

I know they’ll probably spend a ton of money this summer but if they’re still chasing this 23 and under strategy, it’s going to be tough. We all know young players don’t always develop at the same time and in a linear manner.

I think he was highly rated for three reasons, none of them very good:

-We had nothing else to grasp onto in some very dark times.
-Emery set up in a way that allowed him to get on the ball a lot.
-He had the passion merchant try-hard personality that was easily confused with a top mentality.

He was always terrible off the ball in terms of positioning, tactical nous, and other mental aspects of the game. But even on the ball it was more volume than quality. Once you see a player like Thomas Partey in the same kind of role its obvious that Guendog actually had very little in his locker in terms of range and diversity of passes, ability to make passing angles, receiving and turning in tight spaces, etc.


The French Connor Gallagher, but with more cuntiness.

“He may be a cunt, but a least he’s no longer our cunt.”