Leandro Trossard (19)

His goal was a goalkeeper mistake. Areola got a finger to it, which means (as we’ve all learned) he should have saved it.


I know your comment is tongue in cheek!

What I like about Trossard is he isn’t scared to let shots off or take risky passes.

Surely, he can’t be dropped when Jesus comes back? He’s contributing.


You are right, more games could bring more goals, he is better option than Eddie.


Absolutely. I’m a big fan of Trossard and he’s proven to be very smart business. I would start him over Jesus right now.


He was absolutely brilliant. One or the best players the pitch. As said already, he should keep his place.

This is absolutely his best position in our system. As a FALSE 9. A few times he played as a normal 9, just playing high up the pitch, waiting for the ball… He’s beyond useless that way.

But when he has the freedom to move around and pick up the ball in different kinds of positions… He’s a weapon, and he already showed that in the last season. And really gives an another dimension to our attack and creates space for others. Also, the dynamics between him and Havertz, who was taking his place up front often when he was dropping deeper was quite interesting and effective in the end.

He’s too direct as an 8, he lack athleticism as a winger, but he’s perfect for this false 9 role.

And also one think I’m thinking right now… He might be the best finisher we have in the squad atm (not that we have many).


He’s my favourite option we have in the 9. While lacking aerial ability compared to the other options, he has good link up play, good positioning, can drop a bit deeper to build the play, can dribble and he has the best shooting and finishing instincts by far with both feet. He’s the best finisher at the club hands down and the most complete striker we have.

While Jesus has better dribbling and is lethal on his day, the lack of consistency with his goal threat (which is miles behind all Jesus’s other attributes) puts him second best for me.


We haven’t got better options off the bench than Trossard and Jorginho who we got in the same window but Trossard is our most versatile attacking option and ahead of Nketiah.
He was brilliant at Brighton and couldn’t understand why they sold him so cheap.

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I think he had six months left on his contract, desperately wanted to leave the club and has fallen out with the manager.

You could say they weren’t in the greatest position of all times to demand a huge fee for him.

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What a brilliant ball from deep to Saka, that was awarded a penalty for. He has been fantastic recently and should definitely keep his starting spot based on that merit alone.

Jesus can duke it out for cameos right now until we restart the CL campaign again.

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He made another one to Martinelli too who was in behind at 0-0 but he didn’t square it to Saka first time to tap it in.

Arteta seemed very pleased with that from Trossard as you could see him clapping his effort and shouting “Bravo Leo!”. After that you see him dropping more deep and start attacks, incl. the one you mentioned that got as the pen.


Got to play him as the false 9, as he brings another element of unpredictability to the attack.

His ball striking is probably the best in the squad, but his vision is what set him apart yesterday. He tries passes that no one else in squad is willing to do.


Please mute the video and take no notice of the caption. Jesus and Eddie don’t attempt this pass. Nor does Havertz


Yes, that’s the one I mentioned above.

What a great pass that was!

Trossard at CF till end of season

That was brilliant.

Although I could see Jesus doing something similar, he’s quite creative, wouldn’t put him in the same place with Eddie.

But doubt he would do it from such range, also that pass to Saka (for the pen). That was some prime Totti false 9 playmaking.

Would be awesome if he could start doing that on a somewhat regular basis.

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Seeing what Jesus, Tross and Kai bringing as a 9 or false 9, be honest Eddie is quite useless on this team.

The disrespect towards Gabriel Jesus :face_vomiting:


I think that’s harsh. Eddie has done a job for us, but the reality is that he isn’t the striker we need. I think we sell in the summer, wish him well, get some good money for him and reinvest in a better player.

Eddie is nearly done I think, Arteta opting for Leo or Kai as a false 9 when Jesus isn’t available and rightfully so.


Reality is harsh.

Eddie doesn’t have any attributes right now to get consistent minutes

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