Kieran Tierney

Nobody is :goat:

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A lot of people have unfairly. Tierney is still a solid LB.


Certainly not unfairly.

Yes it is. What has he actually done wrong except get replaced because the manager prefers Zinchenko.




Perform poorly the past 18 months?
Even Tavares had a run over him. It was coming, letā€™s be honest here.
It wasnā€™t just because Zinchenko came in.

Iā€™ll give him credit like yesterday where he was genuinely one of the best players on the pitch, and imo performed much better than Zinchenko, but heā€™s been poor for us recently, and thatā€™s why the gaffer hasnā€™t been trusting him as much.
Letā€™s not forget even Tomiyasu was favoured over him at LB pre-WC.

100% agree with @Midfield_Maestro and @shamrockgooner here. Still been very solid for us and in my view has a future at the club.


All Iā€™m hearing was the manager dropped him. But whatā€™s so bad about Tierney?

He was dropped because his performances werenā€™t good.
It was clear last season he became the weakest link in our first team.

His offensive output wasnā€™t there anymore and defensively he became a liability.
I donā€™t dispute injuries may have played a part in his fall btw. Seeing the doc as well, I think he struggled mentally. Heā€™s a sound lad though.

That performance yesterday though was great. A blast from the past. Hardly put a foot wrong in. Hope he continues this way because weā€™ll need him in the second half of the season.

Tierney is asked to play a role which goes against every training he has had for the last 5-6 years or more.
If Tierney was asked to play a more traditional left-back role, I bet he would have done better.

Last night was a good example of that.

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Tierney skill set just isnā€™t really right for this level anyway. Heā€™s unspectacular at pretty much everything he does heā€™s just a solid all round defender.

His talent sits somewhere out of the top 6 but heā€™s absolutely very serviceable and reliable as a back up. Not someone Iā€™m in a hurry to get rid of


Perhaps but last season we still played to his strengths, no?

Tomiyasu was the inverted full-back and he was on the touchline. Same applied for Tavares.

Regardless, that still doesnā€™t excuse his defending dropping off.
Mind you, I think some have always been critical of his defending, even before last season.
I think he was more than solid at it before. Thereā€™s a reason he was used LCB for both us and Scotland.

Could be that he looks better when his team plays deeper though, which probably applies to Scotland and to us before 2021.

Can see this happening in the summer


I really want to keep Tierney. I absolutely love this guy. He has played as many games as last season albeit more as a sub. Still has a big role to play for Arsenal IMO. We need two good players in each position and we need to focus on strengthening midfield in the summer.


They can fuck off with 30m for a start. He cost 25 and that was years ago.

Good player but it is clear that Arteta doesnā€™t hugely rate him.


Writing has been on the wall for some time but this would at least get him closer to Scotland. Iā€™d sell for Ā£30m-Ā£35m

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Ā£30m is not bad, lol.
We bought Zinchenko for that.

Also, donā€™t forget Tierney renewed his deal back in 2021 during the Euros when he was on a pretty good form. Must be on Ā£100+k pw for sure.

Itā€™s the best for a all parties that he goes in the summer.

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Tierney doesnā€™t celebrateā€¦or at least not as vociferously as the others do

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Lol the celebration from Vieira even before Martinelli got the ball

Reminds me of Marcelo celebrating as soon as he saw Ronaldo getting the ball in dangerous areas.
They do have a similar bromance.

I love how Saliba just got involved and did the same celebration with them. :rofl: