James Bond

You’ve absolutely fucked me there @Dr_Strangepass. Twat move that

I muted this thread before I watched it.

Can’t trust people not to be pricks and ruin it haha

Rip brother, I kind of expected that when people were saying avoid spoilers but it’s going to completely consume your viewing entertainment wondering how they do it, if it’s definitive, sad, a red herring lol.

Whether you think it will happen or not is way better than actually knowing it.

In fairness we’re usually better than that on here and use the spoiler tags as arsenal spoil our weekend nearly every time anyway so might as protect other forms of entertainment for ourselves.

The spoiler tags are fool proof too unless you’re a mad bastard like Cristo clicking them for fun.

I haven’t seen the film yet but I’m not a Bond man, I’d be raging if I were Sol or others.

Mod should clean this thread up save others from the fate tbh, delete our posts and Spoiler tag up the relevent ones.


Some fucking women nearly ruined it on the train up to see it for us yesterday. The guy thankfully behind her turned around before she said anything to ask her to shut the fuck up as he’s not seen it yet.

He obviously said it much nicer than that haha but what sort of cunt talks loudly about a massive film on a packed train on the first weekend it’s out!!

Fuck sake lol it’s like Homer coming out of Star Wars ruining it for everyone going in to the cinema. With this modern world the way it is, really the only way to avoid spoilers on places like Twitter, Reddit etc is buy/watch/play/read the thing day 1.

This was obviously accidental but I used to see on loads of platforms people taking enjoyment from spoiling new episodes of big TV shows, video games etc.


Nothing to see here. Unless I missed something.

Too late for @Sol who now knows that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father. And I’m not even sorry for using the same reference that @Castiel just posted.


Nice one, I feel like people can probably still infer what it was from our reaction but I feel like Sol was the biggest Bond man on here and with his precious hope gone I don’t really care.

You’re right Cal might be a good idea to start muting these threads if I’m interested in a new release.

Though I always think for big stuff there should be Spoilers or No Spoilers in the title so people stand a chance.

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I spoilered mine just as I’m a nice guy and I wouldn’t even want to read reactions to spoilers haha

Yeah the spoilers in the thread title really helped me avoid the Game of Thrones thread

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Harsh to blame @Bl1nk on this one. :santi:

Yeah fucking hell guys, way to tell me the twist of my most highly anticipated film of the last 2 years :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Why did you read it @Cristo

It’s all spoilered now too…

Haha tbh I’m not even talking about here more Reddit which I use for games, TV, Movies etc, some sub reddits are strict others you ruin your favourite show by subscribing to.

In fairness to everyone here this thread was a spoiler waiting to happen, you’d think with all our James Bond fans someone would have cared enough to make a thread for the film and have this a larger discussion on the series.

Not me though I’ve already made my stance on how little I care about Bond unless it’s a satirical cartoon representation.

There’s never been a spoiler tag alive that could stop our man Cristo.


I got my tabs mixed up a few hours ago and accidentally clicked a spoiler not realising it :tired_face::tired_face:

But yeah sounds like I’ll hate this Bond lol

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Yeah I mean it’s spoiled but by the looks of it, it’s a dud film anyways will probably save ya some piece of mind and lower ur standards going in.

Good thing I’ve paid £25 for an IMAX ticket then :frowning:

Honestly for me I don’t think I could sit through the 2.45hr runtime in the cinema. Sounds like my idea of hell, sitting that long watching a generic action film. Would probably have watched it at home at some point but now I don’t have to lolz, so that’s a relief.

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