General News

Stupid cunt Mohammad bin Zayed getting fucked again.

Imperialism is not for you buddy. you are an inbred moron.

Stick to shiny gold things and materialism. You are too dumb for geopolitics.

Anti Midas touch. Everything this shit country starts supporting turns to shit.

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Look at these idiots.

Fuck UAE and the rest of the gulf scum monarchs. What goes around comes around.


Absolute cretins. Just lock them up and throw away the keys, and fine them!

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I hope Charles Darwins widow wasn’t too upset.

Always thought Neil Gaiman was a bit of an oddball but would never have had him pegged for some of the stuff being alleged. Christ.

Oh no…My favorite comic book writer. Fuck!

Rule of thumb, any celebrity/famous person etc., may possibly be a weirdo criminal so don’t be surprised when stuff comes out about them.

I agree.

15 years man. Unbelievable

Hoping he’s gets violently murdered in prison :slight_smile:

Same goes for your post @Electrifying


Death penalty.

Its time to have a sober and reasonable national dialog about its use in sentencing for criminal cases where guilt and capability are beyond all certainty.


I give em both 12 months tops.

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I said exactly the same thing.

Fucking hell.

That’s why people like that wont be in gen pop.

It’s ridiculous that such an obvious no-brainer stance is yet to be discussed.

If something needs debating, it’s the need for torture prior to death sentence. I want these monsters to experience continual pain before their quick death.

It was discussed like 2 weeks ago on here.

Please ensure you read every single post on this forum before posting.


Nah a discussion on this forum will be considered an international discussion.
sevchenko is talking about national discussion

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How would you define a higher burden of proof than “beyond all reasonable doubt”, which is the current burden of proof in criminal cases in the UK?