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love this guy :ozil:

Can’t wait for him To clean up twatter and make some heads explode

Bought some more Tesla yesterday for good measure

Jesus wept, this guy really thinks he’s funny, when he’s actually just pure, concentrated cringe.


After watching the documentary about him, it’s obvious that Musk is autistic and after hearing the interviews with his parents, it’s easy to see where he got it from.

He’s the epitome of a flawed genius.

Not necessarily 16 but I know a 18-15 case that was prosecuted and he landed in a cell. Carried on dating after he came out.

Tbh when we were at school that type of age gap was quite common.

+/- 1 year - nobody blinked
+/- 2 years - no big deal, occasional joke at your mates ‘can’t get one your own age lololol’
+/- 3 years - drew some eyebrows when a 17 year old guy was dating a 14 girl in my school, but people got used to it in the end. Was the only time I can recall this gap.

That’s why I’m in favour of a tweak in the law between those ages, because the chance of manipulation there must be low. It wouldn’t mean you can’t still be prosecuted in cases where something wasn’t right, but it would protect a genuine relationship where an outsider could report it.

He’s gone weirder over the last 2 years, was all a bit of fun when he got involved in the gamestonk saga but recently just looking like a bit of a knob lol


Given it’s Twitter, he should have brought a toilet

Personally I’m quite enjoying watching my liberal friends lose their shit over this :slight_smile:

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Idem ditto :slight_smile:

What a soft world we live in lol.


Fucking hell everyone takes everything so serious nowadays I actually hate this generation


What’s different is artists used to ignore it. Now they pander to it.



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Free speech absolutist.


The only thing worse than Elon are the Elon fanboys who think he’s some sort of self-made genius.


I like the effort that went into a silly sink pun :slight_smile:

Tbf to him he sacked those hindutva lovers they had so that’s great


Going to be interesting to see just how many bot accounts there actually are, and how much it will impact follower numbers.

Now if only he could ban those users who said Hindus were burning mosques in Leicester…

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Would have thought a free speech absolutist would have no time for the notion of a content moderation council :thinking:

People are going to learn quickly what Elon Musk really thinks about free speech lol