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How apt only this morning I saw the pictures of mussolini after he was shot with his mistress, then strung up with one of his cohorts and then beaten the shit out of even in death such was the level of hate for the man.

That’s true but she is blaming her loss on the fact she is a woman rather than her unpopularity.

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I wanted to say Corbyn but then again his stance against antisemitism was pretty shit.

You could probably say Obama or even Teresa May weren’t habitual liars like Trump or Johnson but there are very few politicians leaders who don’t lie.

Very few people do. Hence why. . .

Did she? What specific quotes are you referring to?

My point is people don’t go to the lengths of a full on demonization campaign as has been the case with Hillary Clinton.

She’s cringe with her corporate third way bullshit but she’s no different and sometimes better than her male counterparts.

The whole rabid anti-Hillary sentiment out there makes me wonder if maybe misogyny outweighs racism in most people’s minds.

They rule Italy like this since I remember too much TV I guess…hit pretty hard with migration as well so more fuel…

Plenty of voters got called misogynist Bernie bros because they didn’t want to vote for Hillary who for them is a corporatist and a warmonger and a vile liar.

Same Bernie bros happily would vote for someone like Jill Stein. but that’s the wrong woman so people definitely been called misogynist for not wanting to vote for Hillary based on her policies and track record.

It’s nasty, but then again Dems and Republicans and their media are cut from the same nasty cloth


The quote where she said “every vote for a woman is a step forward.”

But loads of people absolutely despise Trump but it’s nothing to do with his gender, it’s to do with him being a proven liar and an idiot.


Neither of you have actually answered the question I asked. Just inferred stuff from other stuff.

He was also President and constantly in the news for his avalanche of legal issues.

Hillary Clinton should have been relegated to a footnote after losing the 2016 election but she’s the constant subject of conspiracy theories and anger on the internet.

This writer was closely linked to Debbie Wasserman Schultz the woman who ran the DNC at the time.

Marcotte wrote hit piece after hit piece on salon at the time. Demeaning and degrading women and men who voted for Bernie Sanders and didn’t want to vote for Hillary because they don’t agree with her policies.

This writer didn’t care. For her it was only about these people not voting for her because she is a woman.

And that was and is a blatant lie.

It’s why I absolutely hate Hillary, Biden and also Trump and Bush. It’s all so dirty and gaslighting it’s why America as a nation is finished. They can never get out of this spiral of toxicity.


Amongst many other things (apart from her own actions and policies of course).

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Yes indeed. Here is a different article I found on it. I think it’s important to include the context you have done here rather than focus on one point.

And I’m definitely not here to defend her.

It’s the logic of ‘although I’m a member of an oppressed demographic fuck other oppressed people unless I can use their plight to advance my own career and interests’. That’s how you can get a female fascist national leader like in Italy. Her policies will undoubtedly hurt other women but her own career will be advanced.

The argument above is a good one but that’s not what Hillary’s detractors are saying. My question is if she’s not of any import, doesn’t hold political office, why are people (men specifically) obsessed with her?

Are women really oppressed in the western world?

I dare to say if it was another woman with a better track record and a better platform, she could as easily be elected as Obama was elected. Someone most people would thought impossible in racist America.

As you might have noticed I left Obama out of the list of people I hate. Although he did things I don’t agree with (mainly on foreign policy) he was Mike’s better than anyone before him or after him.

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The thing with the whole Hillary saga was, it showed how blatant the establishment media was doing her bidding.

It was everyone’s fault except hers.

Then you end up with a racist narcissist.

But let’s not forget. At the end of the day. They are from the same cloth.

Absolutely. The way women in the so called west are objectified and exploited there’s an argument to be made that they’re in some ways more oppressed.

Femininity is an undesirable trait here. Women have to be manly to get respect in professional settings.

Hillary’s pantsuit is a symbol of that.