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I think anyone found with a knife on them should automatically get sent to the army. I can literally think of no other method of a) dealing with it and b) not ruining peoples lives forever in a prison system.


The Gary McKinnon defence. :bergkamp:

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The lack of remorse is quite disturbing.


So a 13 year old girl sends nudes then sets her fella up to be attacked. What kind of upbringing as she had to eithen think this stuff is ok to do.

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You Brits live charmed lives considering the amount of crazies walking around casually with anti-aircraft weapons over here.

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I like the 'put ‘em in the army’ idea. How many times does this soft as shit justice system let these fuckers out with a court warning of various restrictions (which they have no intention of following), and a warning to joe public to be aware that the perp is “highly likely to reoffend”. I’m talking Canada here. Familiar to Brits too, eh? Thought so.


And if they’re a success in the army, with a little luck it’ll be some foreigners life they ruin forever instead of a British person.


Could bring back national service.

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Give the sociopaths better killing skills. That’ll solve the problem

Fear is always a shit teacher

My best friend from primary school murdered a grown woman when he was 14, id stopped seeing him a couple of years before as I moved out of the area, I bumped into his group several times and some old friends were in there and they were just crackheads and horrible.

Anyway 2 of them joined the army and I saw both of them a year ago on site, they said it helped them as they both got a trade and skills and learnt to look after themselves and discipline, got emotional talking to me actually it was nice.

I think the army installs values that kids don’t get from their crackhead parents sometimes.


Hardly say well done to the judge.

Whilst the outcome was one that the Assange team wanted, the way in which it was given does not set precedent for journalism/whistle-blowers to be able to expose heinous war crimes.

Been following Wikileaks and Assange since its inception, met him a number of times - and I’m sure of it that this result will be more bitter than sweet for him.

I was “watching” the trial via live-tweets, and I have to say it was the biggest fucking shock to see the words “Denied extradition”.

Interesting. What do you mean by this? I’d like to learn more.

Well, I guess I addressed two points, both of which aren’t unique thought.

  1. Assange is an egomaniac perfectionist who cares for one thing, and that’s his goal. Nothing gets in his way. I guess, in these circumstances, I’m just glad that his vertical is exposing government secrets. Going the other way, an example could be, ironically, Trump.

  2. The court’s decision itself ruled that Assange would not be extradited to the USA; but not by the means of legality (or illegality) of his (or more specifically Wikileaks’) actions against the US state. Instead, the outcome, or the WHAT, he wanted was achieved - Assange being released. But, the WHY was not achieved at all. The Judge ruled that the prosecutions case was sound, accurate and right, and that what Assange did was criminal. This case, despite the outcome, has not set a precedent (I.e a case a Judge/legal teams can refer to to help make a decision - or at least justify one). Justice hasn’t really been made.

Chomsky summed it up well to Al Jazeera.

Chomsky told Al Jazeera: “We can celebrate the fact that Assange won’t be sent to the barbaric US incarceration system, but the rest was a disaster.”

“The verdict was a gift to the Biden administration. They will not have to bear the onus of a trial that would be an international scandal,” he said.

“Assange is dismissed as mentally ill. The verdict gives a judicial imprimatur to the US government charges, no matter how ludicrous they are and how thoroughly the were refuted by defence witnesses.

“That grants license to use them next time the government wants to silence someone who is informing the public about state crimes that authorities would like to conceal.”


What does “his marj can produce another Pinckney” mean?

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Is she just autocorrected pickney which is slang for child isnt it? She’s saying oh well his mum can have another kid


It’s from the Caribbean, pickney = child. Marj just looks like shitty spelling.

It’s actually spelled Pickaninny though also but whatevs.


Marj is fairly common, I know a few people from school who’d use that. Not that I disagree with it being quite horrible to look at in terms of spelling etc lol

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I’ll take your word for it homie lol, never heard of it despite being around that demographic my life.

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Thought I’d better consult urban dictionary, its what I often do before I comment on slang, just in case I’ve got myself confused haha. It’s definitely a term that gets used. I noticed it get used more often when “mumzy” started getting phased out haha

So pickaninny means “child”? Thats interesting, honestly the only time in my life I’ve heard the phrase is when people talk about Johnson referring to “pickaninnies with watermelon smiles” (I believe that was the quote)

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