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I think the problem we on the left have is that we only see this matter through an economic lens, we say things like - but leftwing economics would really help you, why so blind, and even though there is clearly truth in that, it fails to recognise that people are cultural more than they are economic. This I feel is why our arguments often fall on infertile ground. People are used to being poor, and don’t generally mind being so (or certainly they don’t have great expectations for it changing), but they do feel connected to their local environment. Fuck with that and they will easily turn populist. For a lot of people it’s all they have and it’s not a superficial thing. They do share a common working class ground with foreigners that’s true, but they don’t share the culture, and I think that just as emotion generally trumps intellect, culture generally trumps economics. We shouldn’t treat cultural expectations so blithely. That would be my main objection to what @A.F had to say.

Racism was normalised here before there were any non-white people here.
I did write that there are still genuine left wing political parties around. Many still vote for them and if you look at many of the “immigrant neighbourhoods”, then you’ll see that left wing parties are by far the majority. This despite these parties hardly being virtue signalling SJW liberals obsessed with race/id-pol as you seem to imply. On the contrary, race, I should say, is not spoken about here. It’s not part of our language. Sweden, like many/most European countries are colourblind. Did this magically just make racism disappear? Absolutely not. Nor did this happen in France either, to use another example.

So what social issues are you implying that they decided to focus too much on?

Also, how can you agree with a post that’s sceptical of identity politics, only to then be fine with white identity politics? It is of course possible to be totally against id-pol, but then it should be more something similar to this, for example: White identity is meaningless. Real dignity is found in shared hopes | Kenan Malik | The Guardian

No such thing here, nor do I get the sense that this happens in any meaningful sense in America.

And besides, in America, whites, although they’re the default and the ones who “own the country”, as the MAGA fools are sure to subtly remind the others of, are obviously not indigenous to the continent.

On what moral basis, can they maintain a white identity, which no matter how you think of it, is exclusive as it’s not something you can really assimilate/integrate into unless you have the proper phenotype

You seem to misunderstand me. I’m not saying that western countries have to be less white just for the sake of it. I’m saying that many countries that once were all white (or in the case of Australia and America, countries only for whites despite never being such) that are now quite multiracial and in some cases officially multicultural as well, cannot maintain an exclusive identity as that implies that those who aren’t white/“real” swedes/real french/germans etc. (same shit everywhere) are a demographic threat. We’re not going anywhere.

Well, an immigrant is a nice word used to describe a visible minority in the Swedish language. Many who take offence at the word are those who have their “swedishness” often questioned if not flat out denied.

Language matters and this, and how normalised this is, further reinforces the view that there are swedes and others…who can maybe still be sent back :poldi:


Cultures change all the time. They do this, and always have done whether or not they experience massive waves of migration.

Besides, what can be considered a cultural change, can often be something like a racial demographic shift, even if no meaningful cultural change really has happened.

Since the topic in the first place was America and race vs class, then I might as well share this, which I thought was quite good: Bernie Sanders’ Race Problem. Bernie Sanders’ recent decision to… | by Dwayne Wong (Omowale) | Medium

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I did suspect that I didn’t understand your post for what you meant to say. Fair enough.

I can’t comment on political scenario of Sweden. Completely uneducated in that regards

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If you were referring to my post, that’s not quite the full story.

Think what you like about the BBC and Andrew Neil but he’s damn effective at holding people to account and exposing holes.

His platform is much more effective than a debate. Does not give anybody an easy time

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Tragic. Horrible watching it snap :disappointed:

And that’s why you’ll never catch me on any theme park ride lol


Sure a similar ride crashed the other week aswell

Always think the travelling fair grounds are really dodgy. So many of the workers look so dodgy and dont trust health and safety rules are strictly adhered to all the time.
Literally have kids of 13 or 14 running some of them rides.


Surprised nobody on here has mentioned the death of the antifa guy who attacked the ICE building in DC

Maybe you should mention it.


Sounds like a cunt.

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Alan Turing to be on the new 50 pound note. Great choice.


I can’t believe it’s not either Tony Adams or Rik Mayall.


Don’t think that’s the response he wanted lol

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On the note most people never see. Stick him on the fiver :slight_smile:


What is Antifa?

Yes, there is. There probably isn’t an expedient solution, but there is a solution. Early childhood education. Our understanding of early childhood development is outstanding, but it goes largely ignored. There is study after study after study that shows early childhood is the time to start children down the right path.

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Anti-Fascist… they’re the fuckwits in black skull masks throwing tear gas back at the police. Basically the leftwing version of a skinhead.

This a pretty good primer…

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