General News

There is a massive difference between being paid to endorse and being paid to generate engagement.

What on earth is an impression? :slight_smile:

Basically, it’s views with more explanation around it. :slight_smile:

Impressions on Twitter is a total tally of all the times the Tweet has been seen. This includes not only the times it appears in a one of your followers’ timeline but also the times it has appeared in search or as a result of someone liking the Tweet.

Twitter impressions is a metric that measures the number of times a tweet has been viewed by Twitter users. Impressions are not unique views, which means that if a user sees a tweet multiple times, it will count as multiple impressions.

So basically the same as YT now.

But with 4 million % more spam.

Come on people, we all know the thread exists :grin:

Le Tissier saying ratioed unironically has made 2024 already

Wtf is ‘ratioed’?

ITV not getting the response they expected on their post.

Hate the term though, glad it’s dead.

When your post blows up in a negative way. I always thought of it as a post having very few likes but a ton of replies and the replies are usually people saying what a dumbass you are, or making fun of you.


I’ma just stay under my rock


Bruh I’ve never heard of ratioed and I’m not even that old ffs, Le Tissier is older than my parents lol is it more of a Twitter thing?

Mate, you’ve been ratioed.

1 Like

Essentially any platform which has likes/dislikes.

what the fuck is ratioed?

Ratioed, ratioing etc is when you post a Xeet and you get more negative reaction than positive.

So, say you post something like “Terminator 3 is better than Terminator 2.” and you get more replies than likes/reXeets. That’s being ratioed because the replies are more than likely disagreeing with you, a lot of them probably harshly, lol.

Can also be a ratio if one of the replies that disagrees with you gets more likes than your original Xeet did.

However, it tends to be more political/social issue opinions that get the “ratioed” treatment than innocent ones like Terminator. xD


I also imagine it’s 10 year olds that say this term or dudes with skin fades and curly bonces.

Even I know what ratioed means and I fucking hate Twitter


cos it ain’t just a twitter thing, surprised so many people haven’t at least seen it all over the place even if don’t know what it means.

I just found out last week what it means.