Exams - tips and tricks

Exams and then trance :gabriel: You really are a glutton for punishment.

Dessert being following Arsenals transfer window :henry2:


You forgot boyfriend.

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Get that Zaha wish out your head. Hes not the answer to anything.


He’s an answer to what can you not buy for £40 million.

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How long do you reckon you have left before you have to stop making these jokes? :smiley:

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Thanks for the tips guys. It clearly worked - A+ :kos2:


So you would be going for a vacation with your boyfriend now?


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Depending on what type of exam it is…if it’s multiple choice, use other questions to help you answer other questions. Sometimes a random question can cue your mind to an answer for another question.

If it’s an essay exam…make sure to go in with a plan for the structure of your answer. Are you going to go with a timeline approach, or a main point based approach?

If it’s a short answer exam read the question multiple times while answering. Make sure you are staying focused.

Don’t worry about what the professor or teacher is looking for, answer how you understand the topic of the question.

I was a history major so take it all with a grain of salt, it’s a major bullshitting subject.

Oi Mozza where have you been? You’re just in time for the annual summer transfer meltdown.

And good shout on the multiple choice thing - I never considered that other questions / answers could inform or trigger your memory for other questions

My wife did her degree in history and she said a similar thing.
It’s not so much what the subject is about, it’s more how you argue and present your case.
That’s probably why it’s the sort of subject that is good for people who eventually become lawyers.

I like history but how much is true and how much is just propaganda is debatable.
A bit like the saying, history being written by the victors.
As George Orwell said: “‘Who controls the past, controls the future and who controls the present controls the past.’”

The past year has a been a fucking whirlwind. Moved to a new state, got a 3 year old sucking up all of my energy (and money lol). I love a good summer window though I’m going to try and be around more.


Exactly, my goal at one time was to go to law school but decided to get to making money ASAP. Much like law, history is interpretative and is a great base for a career in law.

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Is it a better state?

Not necessarily a better state but we moved from a city of about 600,000 metro population to a city of 2.3 million. So the city has much more to offer. We have MLS & NHL plus we live about 3 miles from Ohio State University which is the biggest public university in the United States I believe.

We moved from Iowa east to Ohio about 600 miles so we are much closer to the main population centers of the US. 4 hours to mountains, 8 hours to the beach. In Iowa we were 12 hours from mountains, and like 20 hours to the beach.

Good and bad things though each spot.